dreamweaver two
23 october 2024 oh to redeploy this on a smurf anniversary. i think i should have waited until the 30th,
ezra pound day, or even november...yet there is a lot on my mind and writing is what i do...
pelevin does not write in fact he puzzles over a position, sometimes in brilliant fashion,
until drowning it with a sort of too much information for his readers to process...in my
experience the nearest example for contrast would be phillip k dick...
the writer had recently completed notes for a novel and was told pdk shopped
at happy dog for horse meat when he was struggling to survive hence horselover fat...
that is to say it is the type of style one encounters in valis except amped up as if
the loudness allowed more freedom of speech i suppose...
subsequently i read the horse stealers by anton chekhov...
let's see before i delve deeper...i have decided to not include the preceeding notes,
themselves possibly a book or two, these should stand on their own and if any reader
would like them well i would not refuse a request to package them up and send them
my point is that writing freely should not be mistaken with writing for free, life
is not free and even awful writing is paid...case in point, colleen hoover...
or do women usually follow men into new york city restrooms after the author
picks at bulgokov's entrance...
ahem. i never realized how good lecarre was until reading his first novel which
was perfection save for the jewess's confession and the ending list in any case
miles above the film version which kept the wife as self-described nymphomaniac
slut in a redundant twist that must've made john's head spin...
yes i know too much prelude for dream notes and so here goes;
hurricane milton followed helene and i was haunted by the control weather brim skit
as many others thought the democrats were trying to smash the hard core red state
voters to gain those delegates, those delicate votes...
one ukrainian and his family got swallowed in florida after escaping the so-called
war...the appointment in samara fleshed out with full irony...
within my own contradictions i dreamt of a topless cousin and eating cake -
later seeing her arrive with other girls...hadnt thought of her much since
she never invited me to her wedding and later that evening i had a clear vision
of her bed...excuse me i am not looking for parking, in fact i don't have a vehicle...
the man mom married passed away on the same day as jack kerouac had, which was about the
time she moved to the states over the hills and far away...
something kept trying to connect me with him and i even felt it scan memory as if
to say aha or even make it my demise...i was starting to even feel dizzy sick until
james cagney directed shortcut to hell...
i'm with zelda in france at some art class and it feels as natural as being
with joan in england pub except one of them was taking my picture and i had not
shaved and tried to hide my stubble as it were...
floating in my apartment as if visiting myself - the cat is on one of the beds -
finding myself in a car being kissed by ava and her triangle tongue, later
speaking with zofia...
a man was handing me a great variety of two dollar bills, i watched flightplan
again and catchfire, how does one forget nudity - perhaps when the talent
is so overwhelming that what remains is the method not the madness -
loro was a real revelation and i had no answer to my own question, if you liked
youth so much why not seek out other films by that director...
the family friend was no let down, even thrilling once in a while -
meanwhile the box of things minus the requested samsonite case i asked for
which was sent out in june finally arrived in october...
i was much more satisfied by the substance, i keep looking back at it amazed
at its form...
reminded after of the girl i walk'd some with - down riverside drive...
dress as if meant to be recalled...packing suitcase as marlon talks -
i think he was recording to tape also...talk of order, standing in line
french fries conspiracy - a finger at my lip - what does the sticker say?
two million dollars carrying a girl inside a movie theatre - someone is tracking
us - i think of laura sophia instead of lotta, fresh air - i'm standing at the
entrance of a mansion, in fact i think i only dreamt of lotta once...in any
case i recite the phone number that pre-dates me and is yet active -
there are two women one undressed and bleeding it seems like menstruation
unfiltered and left without washing but it is all so fast i cannot focus
and awake like when walking on aluminum foil landscape - was it bird or insect
at window suddenly mixed by chirp or crawling sound within me...not sure
yet i was trying to escape...i cannot escape my lost apartment, there i
am with mother painting the hall i am going to my room convinced that my
date is not coming, but the girl arrives wearing a pleated skirt which she
raises in front of me as if to make me get up...there is an indian statue
with the word nadie or nadia and i like it deciding to put place it on
my dresser...it wears a dark shawl, i start thinking they also did not
send my japanese cat statue...so when did i actually start to weep? well,
during dominique when the boy dies protecting the girl oksana left in
a chained padlock light switch room...not that i'm the action packed type
but someone called asking for leidsa numbers i think i said 34, 76,
and 91...nobody called in terms of condolences.
(one call from an aunt followed this typing,
which inspired me to invent a man who had
a toaster for an ass which needed to be plugged in)
alina sent nude pictures. (possible email scam
but as a gentleman i try to reply pleasantly)
i only cry in the movies and even if i spend the day smoking i never light
up a cigarette in dreams...
0ctober 24...dreams like visitations - well, visions to be precise...
i had received a phone call, a nearly unusual event these days...
so there was more talk than what has become ordinary - i suppose that
along with texting went a ways into overwhelming my senses -
i went to sleep at the second hour after midnight thinking of
book titles and elvis costello - one of us is lying...i get what
feels like a locked car in the sun temperature or perhaps a sun
soaked roof feeling and get up to let in fresh air and pour
water on myself...when i finally get to sleep i dream that i am
naked on my bed and someone starts speaking...i cover myself and
feel cool enough not to wonder or worry since it is a know face -
still, there is something about it upon reflection that is disturbing;
this all becomes some sort of party, i wonder how long it takes
to fly from warsaw to tel aviv but alexandra is actually flying to
new york - there is now a group of people mainly girls - one of them
remninds me of helena's jeans under a tied christian dior shirt
she pulled on like you would a t-shirt...buttons must feel she does
not like them enough to unbutton and so forth...well in the dream
it is not her, someone more spanish although possibly not spain -
lotta hinted that she had a greatly good time in mallorca yet i
have not witnessed the recording myself...in the dream i feel
drained while the woman in those specific jeans looks to be in
an orgasmic convulsion as if possessed like a spirit is making
love her or at least nibble kissing her neck yet no one is near
and worse everyone acts as if nothing is going down...i must have
got up at some point and am standing in the crowd studying her -
she has another fit in the epilepsy style except this time she
is intent on reaching the source of her frantic excitement -
as she exits i see two men on a bed, there is a tv on and a
laptop also on next it...i say something about turning at least
one of them off and they don't disagree...i awake right after
to find that i only slept a couple of hours...i jot the basics
of the scenes, fill the bath with water and ivory and hope
i can catch some more minutes of sleep and or dreams that make
more sense before i slip into coffee and internet and such...
thursday is rising fast and my only plan is to go through my
scales especially the two new ones i keep mixing up - not certain
why arabic translates in thought as if enigmatic and vice versa...
(my ritual is now at eighteen scales, one of them
my own hybrid creation...)
ps. did more sleep did sleep more yet maybe too much...seen mallorca
except she seemed more content in the paradoxe...i recalled another
scene wherein some child dislodged a lens from my frames...i pick
it up to see if it can be returned to place but it is shattered
and much larger...dolce gabanna it actually happened in the city
without a kid just a sliver missing, glasses i still wear...well,
outside as for some reason i took to not wearing eyewear at home -
meanwhile london and i never understood how sarcastic daniel's
face could be but i mean that in a goodly way...expression, some
faces need no words to communicate...lotta communicates eye patches
in stories yet her puffy morning eyes are when i think she looks
exquisitely beautiful...but now i know prada preceeded the perfume
in dusseldorf...alison james wrote wilhemina tempest's obituary -
“We are such stuff as dreams are made on, and our little life is
rounded with a sleep.”
i have inclinations to continue to employ the pen at ASDBL and
even the alaska experiment yet it is not pressing, it is like
ideas or notions i wonder if i should augment with...obviously
wilhemina bring this to mind as i'm not sure if i made it clear
enough that she branches out from the source muse character to
another yes that and the fact that i think it might be good
to list all the types of horses perhaps in a glossary as
burroughs did with drugs...there is actually a buzz as if
i am getting high on my own writing...
“You taught me language, and my profit on’t is,
I know how to curse.”
25 october -
friday the funeral I did not attend or intend to go to...
in speaking to the widow about my reasons, the point arose
in mind's irony...well i had a dream that i was standing
in a funeral ceremony viewing myself in the coffin...
i said it was about the age of twelve but most likely it
was later as it impressed me so that it was among the
first attempts at literature...the dream is true however
the fear of it is not...i stayed up much later than
i wanted, getting up several times to make soup and
and to make coffee and even again to seduce the hunger
into submission with a slice of bread...there was an
emptiness i could not explain...let us call it an invasion -
a mystical raid that later even extended into language as a
foreign song tried to spin around my head...
it was late morning by the time i got to sleep, the hours
herein reflect a european time zone -
early evening awoke from dreams that found me in a
modern building - the office type - i am trying to
get a pair of shoes fixed and i am told by a woman
where i could get that done...as i approach the elevator
it shuts and slides down yet i hear someone say they
will bring it back which nearly instantly they do as
i then find myself holding a pair of adidas...it is
an elevator operator like in a recent instyle story
reel which lucy was in...i suppose it came to mind
and there i am with her but it is like a pastry shop
where i lose sight of her and start unwrapping and
tasting and returning the sweets to their place wrapped,
as the voice of some other women recommends, i like the taste
or perhaps i have not satisfied the weird hunger...
i think to get some for the widow and the dream ends.
i had viewed a japanese film, kubi, which is said to be
about events in 1582...although crowded with bloody
scenes and even a careless view of homosexuality or
if you prefer a degrading view of women
(which should prove shocking enough to most),it still did not
have that centerpiece alike hellboy the crooked man
wherein the snake exits the girl's down there parts
and slithers up into her mouth...the most striking
moment was the "delicious" poisoned snapper irony.
if only they could have bought dean martin's ain't
that a kick in the head for the final credits.
12 november...was it lennon, life is waht happens
when you are busy making other plans...i did not
intend to have to wait so long for a dream that
made sense enough to put place into words...
although i know the experience as commonplace to
myself when under the influence of weed wherein
dreams are so light they carry no weight in memory...
meanwhile i kept cleaning house...i view'd several
many more films, most recently thunderball, man woman
or teen was that tom jones belting out the theme...
sean sucking claudine's foot...she was in a genius
bikini...in the dream it was evening and within that
night the rain poured down in storm-fashion...the times
wroted 'trump storms back' as if it wasnt enough to
have stuck their neck out on the silly endorsement they
seemed to go with a cheap daniels jape...
i remember i went shopping for a fan - thinking it sort
of proved that 2020 was replete, filled with fraud...
people, in the dream scene were running, crowds of them,
through the shadow of trees above where i walked which
was a roadway, a woman was with me as we decided to hail
a taxi, japanese contraption spied letting out a customer
and i got in as the girl vanished - a very little man
drove but on the side as one might find in those sidekick
motorcycle - another man without pickles kept nearing
from the front i faced as if searching me for something -
i searched through sofia's first well second failed film
which is called priscilla, first girl i ever kissed in
some childhood lobby uptown, it starts ramones perfect
directer by spector but i felt the cast did not resemble
the reality, even graceland looked like an apartment not
a mansion, vegas scene was nice, the hinted los angeles
ending was cool yet like the book burning it didnt capture
the impact...no elvis songs in the soundtrack sure was
shocking...yes i know easy to monday morning quarterback
pick apart and yes obviously a great amount of effort
went into it...hopefully she will get back to form in
her next scenes...the driver did not want to go to
bella vista and i had to agree to be let out as near
to my destination as he could manage...i awoke before
getting anywhere, gabby got published with nowhere, usa
and i was very happy for her without agreeing that the
midwest is hell...or even frozen although i know poetic
language is what language cannot be...robert graves,
the white goddess, a reading that makes me feel the
limit of my own recall. thousands of stories and
connections which are impossible to memorize...
embraced it awake and held it asleep...one understands
some of the major points, the intent, let us call it
the premise...in itself a duality that aims to prove and
provoke yet in the build up of facts and circumstantial
evidence there is a dizzy sort of who or what question
as the whirlwind spins into a series of explorations...
i agree somewhat - not with the style - but with the
concept and feel especially thrilled that there is
no pop quiz at the end of this bizarre masterpiece.
the jews agree; the body should be buried...the outrun,
say or see never looked so beautiful yet how could such
an intelligent character be so dumb? well, drinking
does kill brain cells, they say...did love the ending.
these are not movie recommendations, merely notes for
i know not what exactly except by definition as a writer
i scribble into the constant illusion of now...
the past presents itself in emilee form again the run,
in the book he mentions witches running around a place
nine times to cast a spell or the mirror walk behind
the cursed one so their prat fall results in the stumble -
there's a little girl, so precious and pretty, i am sure
it is an illusion but i explain that yes i am keeping
my promise to the extent that no masked intruder could
make a fool of me...for a minute i wanted to believe
michael was innocent but then i asked myself and even
ai what other man ever asked to sleep with someone's
child nevermind the box of porn under the bed...
ah yes, ready or not - a real modern classic with
spontanous combustion...dear me i liked that one alot,
in some ways a sort of documentary i felt for myself
as i sometimes believe my family has always been out
to rub out or switch off my dream girl...maternal
grandmother being the exception, i digress...not meaning
to have such a word count here dear readers if i have
any other dream to report you will find it here...
please note - warner brothers/level is pulling the
plug on two skinny girls...i could remove the
catalog now but why would i? so i am letting it happen
so it will be on their heads not mine and re-uploading
the songs after that point. hopefully there won't
be much downtime but so you know it is not a glitch
in the streaming services or outlets circa 18 november
and beyond.
13 november dream fading upon waking possibly eva green
or lotta stichler, the knit sweater taking longer than
i expected, the idea of twin sister sure is interesting-
not so interesting is the day's unusual diet dessert
flan on top of leftover chinese and two almond cupcakes -
it's like being drowsy drunk on food...fueled with never
say never again where sean returns to bookend the remake
i make thoughts on megapolis, as i revist the ending
of the white goddess wherein graves gives the devil his due
as it were...my bath so cold i yelped -
where was i oh yes this one is not easy, i hope it is
like depalma scarface which i couldnt understand until a second viewing,
but i boubt it as this seems to require the faith of an inner child
yet it is precisely achild in the role of an assassin...
elvis impersonator felt weird unless one thinks of his daughter -
my fued with it can be in the sum of two points;
that lead actress seemed to be pulled from the cast of show girls
and dud did not transmit emotions required for empathy and
morpheus stands around as if he had really been killed
in the apocalypse now boat a walking zombie also doing voice
over keeping in mind that he can memorize shakespeare
it must have been the easiest role he ever learnt
but if vourse iyt is not a movie...it is a family affair
a warning and a prayer with deliverance arrows
my firs thought was oh no not a happy ending
sensed tears at the dedication to wife
once he was going to forget everythint he had learned
and write like he was a teen, perhaps that is what
we have seen...director's cut? classified
wondering why aaron kept leaving the fire arms released
along with the extended version of caligula well
woman of the hour had something, that is how wrong
we can be in judging...anyway i was hoping for a
sort of youth without youth vibe but maybe next time -
at least there was a real sense of new york city in
the apprentice...pre-disney manhattan might have been
the message in me gap ol is...ford to city drop...
of course the issue with outstanding acting ie
the critic is that one starts rooting for the villainous
character...irony will drown us all...
i tear up the picture of the fat man of the week
tv show interview the dearly departed had done
finding it alone in a scrap book never started -
i play my scales over the film concentrating on
the gypsy...now thinking that's what dylan called
elvis staying in a big hotel smiling as he appreached
saying well well...i try to take a nap but the nap
takes me further into thinking with the national
soundtrack of ymca village folk rising in nonsense
echoing...young mens christian association...
maybe it will help jerry lee's cousin jimmy...
maybe i have overdosed on film...certainly
on porn...some other position postultes
god in the volcano or zeus...some of it makes
sense and it gives me pause...perhaps i have to
revisit joseph campbell's ideas...tomorrow and
tomorrow alexander the great is named pharaoh
but that 332BC, not because but before it's fun
to stay at the why have we not been there...
14 november
i'd felt outside my self all day as if waiting
for the evening and the i'd felt the evening
was not waiting for me...
they say the berlin ruling system collapsed,
they say dw union is on a two day strike...
maybe i was locked in a teledisco booth -
some of the monkeys were given fruit loops...
in terms of entertainment, i should have mentioned
finally catching up with the second parts of
ahs 12 as well as american horror stories.
emma, have i got a story for you concerning
the ambulance birth...but i didn't get why
wear the bitch's headgear?
otherwise i liked the liminal spaces idea
but i really have an insnae bias against
blubbler so i could hardly enjoy the
last part of the stories which should have
brought to mind asylum season, yeah i was
more worried that the buttons of her blouse
were going to fly off into the the other
actress's face...
pre dream pissing on lotta's face...
walking through the chelsea hotel thinking
of the brazilian girl i went there with
willy deville singing to walk that girl home...
minutes or moments later it's all pretty dark
and i seem to be without a body hovering or
hooked up with some woman on amsterdam avenue
who is upset over the drug dealers that stand
around in fron of the shop she's trying to
get into...i hear the vague outline of her
voice arguing against them and they seem
to be replicas of each other even in the
way they are dressed...i don't know where
this dream went - i get up too early but
take a minute or a moment for cigarettes
coffee and this note...marian is on my
mind as i give skirt the party mix eats...
there's a text message about a wallet and
it nearly derails all the details of the
dreaming but as i type i start to recall
the strange door dreams, three k where
i find cheese and nickel bags thinking
to snack and go back to my room and puff
when it sounded like someone was at the
entrance...other door dream opening but
then it does not fit like three quarters
of it only which left a slender opening...
here door a motley gang of men insisting
that i am having a soiree and wanting to
come in and celebrate as i stand there
baffled and nearly upset...i had lined
the back door with litre glasses of
coca cola bottles, but it was the front
door. people are strange when you're a
stranger should have been played.
seven in the morning sweden, one in the
morning here, eleven in the evening los
angeles. this ain't the mud club or cbgb's...
early afternoon in asian towns, sounds like
monkey genocide in thailand...valencia might
re-flood with evacuations underway, i hope
padam padam is a hit but there is no logical
way to juggle time zones...
23 november...so much has gone down and yet
not much has happened...arrival of guest and
groovy haul - my habit was to always buy one
nice shirt when possible but i find myself with
five new shirts all at once...
a weird luxury. some rich dreams too yet
mostly disintegrating as the waking thoughts
rattle me up to serve breakfast and start the
day...a few weeks ago i was very happy that
lucy was going to film in rome, i think
where fellini worked out his scenese, and
i sure did have a dream wherein we were very
friendly as if rejoicing yet lotta had
gone to new york and mentioned a girl named
giulia which then made me think it might have
been her in the dream...not much time for
sleep as i don't allow my guest to cook or
clean...but this is no complaint or protest...
i play the substance everyday, today will be
the fifth time...in fact i am looking forward
to it...there's a week or so left of this
"visiting" and i will try to report on the
proceedings as soon as possible...posed
one of the "taken down" songs and it was
a spirit breaking experience...the cover was
not accepted since they require very specific
dimensions, so my lock and key artwork went
by the wayside for some stock image...then
the exported catalog is all in wav files but
this requires mp3 or flac...it was for -low fi-
and they require at least one foreign language
metadata and i chose traditional chinese which
then had to be augmented by simplified chinese...
i could not imagine doing this for thirty songs...
would you? the lyrics of it's a long way to the top
if you want to rock and roll never mentioned such
tedious work involved in getting one's music out...
for reference; (low fi)
the sun drives across my skinq
sweeter than a nevervous breakdown
nobody in the human race
is my next of kin
nah this tan can't camouflage
my sound
you make every need go vanish
oh translator says you're not even spanish
while the seamstress
she does a double-stitch
you clarify yes
i'm from the land
of the ignition-switch
yeah this climbing sure brings knees
that broke summer in las vegas
is still beggin for rain
border of a roulette wheel
you feel the grease
love time handle whore
swears it's all insane
you make every need go vanish
translator says you're not even spanish
oh the seamstress
she does a double-stitch
you clarify
man i'm from the land
of the ignition-switch
rick and morty makin me go puff
puff puff
i'm still at spongebob square pants
break down
says trump looks like mrs puff
oh yeah i'm in a hypnotic trance huh
you make every need go vanish
make every need go vanish
make every need go vanish
oh ooh
make every need go vanish
you make every need go
make every need go vanish
make every need go vanish
all right
you make every need vanish
you yeahyeahyeah
you make every need go vanish
----- chords
g minor -
f major
- d major - e flat - e major -
f major 5...
well, stuck inside of mobile with the memphis blues again did
sort of say there was some sort of repetition involved
in the "creative" process; smoking eyelids
and punched cigarettes...
ashes when i have tray time i will see if there is another
way to get the other songs out in the format they already have...
i listened to it again thinking sure it's not a hit but it is not
run of the mill...usually it's books that go out of print...
to have this happen to songs is beyond bizarre...
sort of like gogol's the nose!
well, here's wishing you all a decent thanksgiving.
27 november...i dreamt yesterday that iwas
flying to to europe from the states...germany
i suppose as that is a recurring scene in my
dream mind...in this case the airport and
luggage were all very detailed - someone was
speaking as if asking questions, not sure what
i said...did recall a pre-dream nightmare
wherein i am talking to my sister as if
hypnotized...she had actually dropped by -
then again yesterday with her motley crew...
went to sleep late smoking and wondering why
lotta was still in new york...i dreamt playing
guitar with the stones and trying to figure out
some song about a feline in the key of c major...
i got up early feeling tired all day - but it was
rainy and i rather enjoy the downpour...she got
miu miu eyewear and was on her way to the plane...
i actually have not taken the time for notes or
chords although i did make a leather strap for
the ibanez...the idea was that not playing my
daily scales would help her in some way...silly
yet it satisfied something in my thoughts...
or more correctly in my superstition -
anyway i am looking ahead to getting back in
rhythm tomorrow...besides, in skipping the
thanksgiving shingdig, i will have the evening
all to my self, well myself and skirt...
had not heard the song flight 505, well five
days left of hosting after tomorrow as the
guest leaves early on the first week of december.
word to the wise, don't dare miss say or see
singing one of the blitz songs in the studio,
it is exceptional or to kick at madonna's nerves
some; it is neat.
30 november...weird watery dream wherein there
was a screen embedded into the faucet handel
of the shower...it resembled one of those
ancient portable tv screens but smaller...
invention dream; shower faucets with media
hmm...then of course i did not have a free
thanksgiving as my guest decided not to go out -
at least the lions won...memories of detroit
swirled in thought...then further into childhood
and my jacket...they have never gone all way -
i really liked that jacket...you gotta lose
your mind in detroit rock city...billy idol
covered bob dylan's if not for you, i heard
grace slick talking and was amazed by her
honesty - but how is time magazine ten dollars?
back to scales, felt no lapse. guest did venture
out to visit someone else and so i do have part
of taday free...in a moment of idk browsed the
perlude to moby dick and thought melville had
influenced me more than i realized...lotta left
via gate 65 and arrived, an hour late, via gate
66...i thought the detail was quirky...lauren
got a ritual candle and robyn erased her kill
bill halloween pictures which i now miss...
third day of pizza but my stomach has been sensitive
for two days...i didn't expect, at this point, any
dream recall at all yet last night the scenes were
pretty particular - as if i had married virginia
and one of her children was even calling me daddy...
then moving into an apartment which was more like
a mailbox building or perhaps the locker in the
substance where the packages are delivered...
everything seemed so compact...i always feel this
place itself is too big for one person but i like
the options of several rooms...in the one room
dream i sensed sister invading thought as she had
said she was going to an apartment hotel for the
weekend and when this happens i always wonder which
one of her known relations has slipped into my place
as if i were him or the like? well they are scheduled
to leave on tuesday as well as my guest...
great fun with the story of the fruit vendor who
sold a banana which was used to make art and then
eaten by a millionaire...that antique song that
said bananas have to ripen in a special comes to
december one
sunday - i first heard it within everyone says i love
you...marshall brickman gone at eighty five...nap
snapped into song, 'i got a notion to love you
all day' heard it as if had already been wroted...
dream in the park i talk too much and can't think of
what to say then say, i contain multitudes, which is
a song that was alredy wroted yet i only have a vague
memory of it since i concentrated on murder most foul
and later on key west philosopher pirate...
this was not intended to segue from herman, but such
is life...late at night a flood of emotions resolving
in hunger that made me get up again for bread and
ironically coffee...awoke minutes before nine - dream
lotta's mother seemingly setting up lunch or some
meal in a very exact way...i'm not sure, but it was
pretty impressive and for a minute i wondered trying
to figure out the scene aside from inner intuition
what it was about...like a self interview, is she
telling me something, i usually don't eat much but
there is no need to set up a table meal, i should
get up and look after my guest, it seems dark but
the foil on the windows doesnt let the sun in, if
it is lotta's mother then why do i feel attracted,
oh no i am excited, now how am i going to explain this...
the misfits is on prime. i'm in the middle of grand hotel,
i've been in the middle of it ever since the guest arrived...
the list of films was updated but my viewing list is now
way overdue...nothing can be done about til tuesday...
monday two december
after waking up way too early, i returned to sleep,
and woke up a bit late...i'd been thinking about
presidential pardons and sir elton john's eyes...
my guest continually invites me to new york...
i suppose it makes me dream of the city. well,
the parts that i know...you cannot actually know
a town like that...every few streets might be
like entering a different country...even the
seemingly empty spaces like tenth avenue on the
west side or york avenue on the east are entirely
different types of desolation...one feels industrial
and the latter feels richly secluded even like a
suburb - at least that is my feeling. i suppose
it was more in the middle, in the mid town area
perhaps right below columbus circle...i sense the
crowd and the countless lights, some woman asks me
if i am drug dealer...i think only dh marks fits
into that category...how many names bring back 2016...
too many. i say no, quickly thinking of the ad,
say no to dr-ugs and hoping that at least some of
my stories and songs are addictive. meanwhile the
cinema list has surpassed two thousand five hundred
titles with additions from the silvia pinal filmography.
mexican film has not had a good day in years, my favorite
is el esqueleto de la senora morales...
december 4. pre departure dream sitting knees up on the
the floor beside the conclusion of some sort of trap-door
slide where a girl gently crashes into me, i could see she
had arrived with someone else yet he vanished and we lay
there with sort of embraced legs, it felt like until i
went seemingly backwards into the trap-door and down
with a falling naked feeling which was suddenly dressed
and dressed again by what i can only describe as mail
bag pouches with a much softer material...say they were
heavy cotton yet these were soft linen with the same
sand coloring although neither beige nor tan...
subsequently my guest left. given that it was mom,
well, it sure seemed to be her once in a while, i
felt utterly alone. weird how one can get used to
living by one's self yet seeing and serving another
underlines the desolation, redefines it...ruins the
illusion of what it means to be content...the girl in
the scene i thought was kia, in other scenes there
are other people in the house and mom is cleaning to
which i react in opposition against the mop...stomping
on one fellow as if a wrestling match...last night
dreaming of walking down a road the type that is
sleek asphalt yet surrounded by forest...strangers
gathered, surrounded...for some reason i argued that
i could not be detained because i needed to get back
to help mother. i felt danger in the outnumbered
position like a dying man circled by vultures...
i cleaned my room which had been neglected for
cleaning the rest of the apartment, i learned the
word semiotics which i don't like and will possibly
never use in conversation...i learned the chords
of a song for you and heard the story of how sir
elton john saved leon russell from the ditch on
the road of life...yet it seems he was supposed
to be a sort of underground giant, i mean even
as much music as i hear, i only met his songs
because i searched out will the circle be unbroken
once upon a time a few months ago...strange.
i suppose bertrand and later kurt possessed the
name so fully that no one else has a shot with it...
in a dream i am working and a girl is trying to
get me to continue working without pay and in return
she will flash me her tits fifty thousand times giving
me an example preview...pink red nipples i could
hardly remember her face thereafter as she turned
away leaving me with the image of her chest...a man
starts speaking perhaps asking if it is a deal but
i think i only start making excuses...later shopping
but also sweeping dirt from the floor...something
is missing from the items i ordered at the last place
and another woman is shwoing me the options...eight
o'clock closing in on nine now...my to do list involves
eating, taking out the trash, and laundry...hopefully
everyone else is gearing up for christmas the only
x-rated holiday that isn't sexual.
december 5. the reason for a song for you was
to play it everyday, but in the irony of life it
got entwined with my thoughts of mother...
therefore, i opted for deep elem blues which also
gives me a lot more options in terms of improvisation
with lead riffs...i think i have the chords and some
fills now i need to learn the words...will record it
when it comes along...took a nap after meal and doing
what i wanted or needed from my to do things, but then
i was up late mostly thinking of lotta as if possessed
by something that was never exact, never explained...
time swimming like an olympic swimmer into dawn before
i knew it. nothing in dream thought and it seemed some
one due to proximity had invaded the scene wherein i am
standing there listening to a story about how some people
were living in a stranger's apartment and some other people
questiong what they would do when the stranger arrived...
in other words nothing that felt relevant to me...
yet i note it as i don't make up dreams, maybe it will make
sense down the line. alliteration in the news, deny defend
depose, with at least one outlet also employing the word
divulge...from the fourteenth century etymology ;
"Middle English, from Anglo-French deposer,
from Late Latin deponere (perfect indicative deposui),
from Latin, to put down"
nobody should get shot outside any hotel but i like that
'depose' is in circulation as it were...oh sweet mamma
your daddy's got them deposed blues...
december 6. i reglimpsed the start of grand hotel, 1932...
then picked up where i had left it two weeks ago when my
guest arrived. i will try to note my reaction without
spoilers and explain the sensation...there are two aspects,
i went into it trying to understand greta garbo and then
upon watching trying not to mix up barrymore with klein...
there was also the buzz in my thoughts that brought me to
it which was lotta having a family dinner at the grand hotel
stockholm wearing one of the sweetest sweaters i have ever
seen...well there then, this movie is very good and i could
nearly understand the gg hype...however no luck with klein
vs barrymore...still, the emotion overpowers the contrasting
or rhyming appearance and at a certain point all i was thinking
about was the character and maybe the pocketbook...it is one
of those films to view a few times merely for the fact that
- as ms hynde sings - they don't make 'em like they used to...
someone tried to make a production of me throwing out the
old sony radio or maybe all my attempts to get to sleep early
converged into an irony that kept me up late again...
i sure did dream something, i think now of lauren's neat
drawers - maybe she got her christmas decorations done -
i can't say what it was since i awoke sort of hounded by
someone at the ten oclock hour...did i look too pale?
why on earth is it that some people cannot simply agree
to disagree...a line from license to kill resounds in
thought, dylan or the management that runs his tweet
spoke of the film "based" on him or who he used to be...
myself i refuse to see anything that actor is in since
a rainy day in new york...because he was so helpful in
firing up the witchhunt against the director...anyway
cate blanchett prolly did a better bob in i;m not here
or was it there...i'm not there...you ain't goin' nowhere...
seven deadly sins magnitude kaliphornkneeah, they said after
one man in butte county said to himself hey let me shoot
at the kindergarden kids meanwhile a falling statue killed an
eight year old in the next door state...
not a good day to be child in america...
otherwise i feel good, maybe not in the james brown way,
yet good enough that if someone tells me to play that funky
music, white boy, i could or possibly would. now then for
woody; www.nytimes.com/2024/12/02/movies/woody-allen-marshall-brickman-q-and-a.html
wherein you will learn about the word Anhedonia...
december 7. pearl harbors before natalia's birthday. i thought about the
nearly logical thread that ran all the way from that film into london
boulevard...don't be upset if i didn't mention joan crawford, she will
be put placed prominently on the list...i viewed the great beauty -
the opening only confused me and felt as if the director was teasing
the audience...or like someone reluctant to let in the crowd to see
the plot...yet it developed nicely...partly eclectic and partly
ironic...especially at the end which contains a great gift in the
form of music; the beatitudes by vladimir martynov.
(kronos quartet)
a piece that floats in a space all its own and cannot be contained
by descriptive words, it has to be heard then one might give it
an emotional setting upon each individual listen which could run
the spectrum of several feelings...
i got up well after noon after a long night thinking about lotta
as i learned the nine months ago story when she missed a trip
to portugal...in my dreams i was sitting somewhere where i could
see the stairs...staring at the stairs instead of stars go figure;
i hear the explosion that preceeds fire and see a man race up
as if he had just set the nearby building, which in my dream mind
i knew to be a drug den, ablaze...i thought well some people can
never win but coldly as if empathy and myself had lost touch...
later, certainly even colder, i am sitting elsewhere, trying to
avoid another man as one of his friends arrive smiling at me
like i am salvation personified...i don't like these people
yet in my dream mind there is a real illumination, a wisdom
that leaves me miles away from them even as they near then
one of them mentions not having anyone to help him although
the other one is still there...i take it as jab at my aloof
state of mind and for a second i am forced to look at them
as if there were no stars in the skies only to awake wishing
i had not had that dream and still feeling the slime of their
greed as i walked into the hallway to fix the start of the day.
december 8. i had read that the rebels took Homs and were
entering Damascus as the dream i didn't note flashed in memory
where i was either licking or tickling a woman and suddenly
could not escape the squirting streaming into my face...
i don't know much, but i do know that cate left her career
to be with kevin and i havent seen him in anything since
the christmas balls movie...i then read that assad fled
syria- luxury cars on display at the telegraph...
which made me think deny defend depose was pre-coded to
announce the toppled regime...but i think too much when it
comes to these things...in my mind what was truly interesting
was hearing cole porter at stella a life since that is when
i really felt admiration for kevin yet had not seen barrymore
uhm so there i was in another film with him in mind well with
him and elvis costello did let's misbahve on that soundtrack...
but the film and paula beer is a powerhouse...not to mention
that it is a true story...my only question with it was the
failure to clearly claim the fact that many of the jews were
also german - some even more so than the "germans" - it is
hinted via the lead's father; noted as a war veteran but i
felt that irony needed to be fleshed out a bit more. anyway
to see jews working as gestapo agents in berlin gives such
a rollercoaster ride of emotions that is like a drug...
so very high with this film, indeed. STELLA. EIN LEBEN.
then the shooter outside the hilton hotel and the rebel
leader were identified in social media and in the press
although it will most likely not be confirmed until tomorrow -
i can only confirm that i dreamt of being in another house
and sighing in the knowledge that the sink could not be used
while observing someone open the faucet and watching the
waterworks spill out from the sides and the pour down from
the ceiling...there was a broken toilet in the corner next
to the centered toilet...which caught my attention, usually
there might be a bidet but who knows...so happy to write this
as in a typo i came up with the word onserving...the cashier
was onserving coins on the receipt upon the counter...
in another dream uppermarket, why am i there, i am intent on
getting exactly three items, cigarettes and two other things
not as important as marlboros but there is a man with a beer
belly buying sandwiches and i can see the filled bread and
i can feel him stand way too near as he put places his arm
across my shoulders and starts to sway as if in celebration
which i cannot understand squirming with a shrug awaking...
when the ick is onserved one must pick out distance to be
preserved...i get up and pick lotta to worship and extend
the distance from that dream...yet as i do i see froseth
pictured with a man eerily like the one in the tuppermarket
scene. so the two jakes, jack was right. it never goes away.
ps, bring back spy magazine so i can submit the separated
at birth photograph of the actor in kiev alongside
Abu Mohammed al-Jawlani...or as mellish said, I object, your honor!
This trial is a travesty. It's a travesty of a mockery of a sham
of a mockery of a travesty of two mockeries of a sham...
meanwhile i have heard the deposed leader is already in moscow,
not idaho.
9 december. sunday i somehow sidestepped the loud talk outside and
the man yelling super colmado over and over as i had my pizza and settled
into blitz with high hopes since i thought the coat song was really
special but i can only recomment the soundtrack..cheesier than the pie,
it pulls at the audience via emotional traps plus put placing lectures
all along the way as if the viewer needed lessons in social studies...
it might be the only film to feature a dwarf and still not be worth
watching...all mouth and no trousers might well be said of itself...
if you look at it closely you'll notice say or see asking herself
what the hell am i doing here...the director supposedly wrote it
but was it a joke poking at curious george? nobody could write such
a thing! of course, we all want a perfect society and equality yet
celluloid like this is more dangerous than helpful...if only the
producers would now have to take the mta to get around balancing
the cost of this corny turkey...they hit all the notes but it still
lacks truth and sounds hollow unlike the lead's fine voice.
enoch powell is possibly turning over in his grave...
i put this all out of mind asap and even managed to get to sleep
early yet awoke too soon...i dreamt i was drinking although i don't,
there was some argument and i was wearing a scuba diving suit inside
a brick walled room that looked like a bunker or basement...i could
hear someone screaming like i had during the day and stepped out of
slumber wondering how to get back to sleep but wrote this instead...
hmm to think i=of it blitz takes place partly in the timeline of
stell a life, but there is something exceptional in the german
while the english only has that bit of irish magic to hold it
together yet even the magical needs a logical poise. there is
a moment when she is saved from a falling wall left over from
air raid and hopefully this will be manifested in her career.
i love say or see but i did not like this fiasco of manipulation
and propaganda.
december 10. as i squandered most of my day in the secret spaces
of self reflection, fantasy, and escape i started to feel well
what hamlet said, i lack advancement...had i never wroted a
poem song story novel screenplay...had i never done anything...
perhaps it was zen or a sartorial stance...i felt empty as in
devoid of motivation...i did need to go out and was confronted
by someone telling me he was desperate as one of his something
or other needed a pint a blood which he claimed cost a lot...
i tried to be polite but i doubt there was any truth in it...
as i pondered further, i finally said to myself why am i even
contemplating this void within...if it is depression then it
should be respected...to lose parts of oneself is no trivial
matter and when it happens in slow motion as it is with aunt
and mother well there is silent ongoing mourning that cannot
be explained...so i held myself together saying there is no
need to hurry past this time...i waited for lotta to post
but she was at a christmas business party...i kept seeing
julia wulf on social media and at some point was even tempted
to write a poem for brooke pufky as i thought back to her
extreme kindness and how the world could use love like that
which instead is focused on her children - but i figure
one day those kids will be in the world and it will be a
better place because of her...when i talked about that film
which baffled me by its lack of logic, i noticed that is was
the coin that somehow remained in the hankerchief pocket
despite the leap from the moving train and further that
there is royalty with that name but i don't want to repeat
myself to myself on these matters...i had glanced at silk
and butter - some sort of agency - well silk&butter ug
and in my dream, well there was this very clear vision
of helena pre-dream as i stretched into sleep, lotta
saying i never read a poetry book...
i was surrounded by several women
none of them familiar yet very pretty and well dressed but
ravenous especially with the butter, we all had bread but
it made me start to scoop up a bit more butter thinking they
would leave none for lotta...yes indeed weird given that
i gave up purchasing the product being that they want
nearly four dollars for a stick and more when it is a
a luxury brand meanwhile the domestic variety is simply
a greasy disaster...so yeah some prices make no sense,
bacon here costs more than steak...i had previously awoken
haunted or hunted by words i had said, i wondered if my
uncle had died. the thoughts so swift there was no chance
to distinguish meaning, for example one of his sons is named
michael yet in mind or memory i instead saw kilmer and then
thought about how much i liked dylan's version of things
we said today...yet all this in milliseconds as i awoke
leaving behind whatever it was i had dreamt about...
i went back to sleep and got up in the late morning
with nothing to report - skirt had two cans of trout
friskies yet still pressed me for milk...i think now
it is good enough that i slept easy so why worry if i
miss a scene from rapid eye movement. i feel so right
and logical in this type of thinking because it is true
and positively should have no need to prove myself
further...ps, cool minute as joan corrects the daily
mail over dallas, son volt started playing in mind;
looking at the world through a windshield...
much better than the warlord killing a hundred ten
folks over the voodoo sensation blame or the naked lookalike
that was too much emilee grant on the heels of having
thought of her wondering if it was a fake...girls,
if you snapchat nudes they might end up on amaleaked...
or elsewhere - there then now i am going to escape into
leftover pizza and the heretic - open letter to hugh;
thank you mister mickey blue eyes but please don't give
no more cigars to the children or at least consider
giving them filtered cigarettes if smoking is the point.
december 11. there are times when even if it feels nothing
is going down - or going ahead - there is still or might be
a sensation that one is where one is meant to be...
that is what i thought watching heretic...which i would have
appreciated less before reading robert graves' the white goddess.
i don't want to get into religion as the facts can't stand
against faith...i do want to wish for a prequel wherein the
reed house is decorated and detailed...in any case, this really
was like taking a drug and it is possible that i am still high
from it. oh wait back to my point about timing, this one is a
stretch but allow me to play with the thought...so after
my george rant, this picture signals the landlord game which
i learn was created to make people aware of georgism...
thy letters have transported me beyond this ignorant
present and i feel now the future in the instant...
please note it is a horror film although the golden globes
might tell you later it is a comedy or musical...
let me move on, further into now...or then to be precise,
i have gone to sleep twice, the first time as i drifted away
into what i am terming pre-dream state, i heard a clear
bit of conversation where someone was trying to edit a book
of mine, it sounded like a suggestion but also like someone
pretending to be writing it...pretty upsetting for a writer
to ponder if there is a rewrite happening without his
consent...who knows? perhaps it was an anxiety from the
film...by the way if you stay for the credits you will find
the disclaimer that no generative artificial intelligence
was used to create this a24 production...i went to work
on the cinema list and exceeded my expectations although
i have yet to update the synonym site...when i finally
got to dreams, i was surprised to see lotta since i usually
don't dream of her even if very often in my thoughts and
musings...i can't recall the scene exactly yet i remember
thinking how beautiful she looked therein as if really
seeing her. so bright, so right. i left dreams and
felt determined to sort out a meal plan and get the kitchen
in order yet i got into this scribble jot note awith
coffee and cigarette and suddenly feel like writing a bit
more - or at least thinking about putting pen to paper
as it were except it is too soon as my horse novel is still
being settled and i sense that the white goddess deserves
another run through simply to get to missed secrets in the
clutter of connections...so many names and myths...wednesday
well i have the fuck kill or marry film yet no idea if the kitchen
will succeed or what to cook...
12 december. did the kitchen while listening to the haunting of
hill house by shirley jackson which i liked more than expected...
i found that pretending the cleaning was for someone else made it
all easier...as for the film, well you couldn't really call it a
film since it was a sort of sitcom where you could tell which
places the commercials would go...a strange pilot that puts place
a woman in a position to date while a serial killer is hunting
dating women...exasperating? well, maybe insane. i felt awful
for lucy, it seemed to me she had some success in recent movies
and might possibly be sort of upgraded but here she is with
motley crew of wanna be leading men which only bring her down
to their level...a sort of b-movie straight to video on demand
type...i think the popular term now is cringe...i blame the
abc seven year run as she ends up with the ags guy a sort of
carboard cut out with a beard...yes i know comedy is very
difficult to pull off but to not have one good laugh makes
it feel as if a hatchet job to sideline ms hale to the ranks
of john ritter - southworth - although he did manage to be
in bad santa before the end...i'd have to look up what the
failed show called life with lucy was about if this were
to be an essay...it ain't. still a third film adaptation
of THOHH in slapstick style would've made more sense...
i mean if you have a split personality comedy/horror then
the source material should be something worth it.
"Don't do it - Eleanor told the little girl; insist on your
cup of stars, once they have trapped you into being like
everyone else you will never see your cup of stars again..."
see how good that writing is...too good. well, maybe they
thought the title was powerful enough, but this was
very far from being the tits. my apologies to elisabeth
moss for always thinking of her when i think of shirley
jackson. now then, the book along with lotta's hello
fresh video helped me displace that film, dispose of it
as i wondered why there are so few blue cars around...
i played my scales and ran through deep elem blues...
but got caught up for hours trying to figure out how
to judge the death of the last survivor of the kamikaze
attack and make it rain in malibu...when i did sleep,
i thought i was with lotta yet i am nearly sure it
was inka and we were laying upon some road where a
stones played we were both singing along but i only
heard her voice as i missed some of the words then
we walked into a theater, the ancient type i guess
you'd call it ampitheater...i awoke then wondering
if i had dreamt of williams or stichler...most likely
williams who subsequently spoke of the stupidity of
people on the roads in baliland...why are the b- shoes
so good, bally's - bruno magli - she was featured in
an arabian magazine and i am happy for her although
the dream sort of baffles me...i have a wish for
crocodile shoes now that i have seen them in saks,
if only to dance to elton's crocodile rock...lalalalaaaaa...
it is not entirely a serious wish, call it a whim...
but it is like those overpriced watches, i'd rather
spend that type of money on guitars...where was i not
strumming in another dream, jennifer is there and i
don't think we spoke much except maybe about white
boy rick which i liked alot and believe to be a
true story if memory serves...it;s noon time or
midnight in asia and the lights went out derailing
my train of thought which switched to boulder colorado...
where that fuck marry kill was set, no wonder the
fraternity news said six students had overdosed...
disembodied poetics, perhaps it's time to review
the burroughs' lucktures from nairopa...craig
is getting raves for his performance and i am
secretly hoping he will pull the sean connery
return stunt somewhere down the line as bond.
spies used to be termed ghosts so it might
still make sense... meanwhile i am reluctantly going to check out
'emilia perez' not that i listen to hype but
so i can see for myself...hey, selena, continued success
to you.
13 december. well that was really something out of the
ordinary...conversational songs that were not trite
for the most part, yeah for the most part there is
nothing to complain about here except it did not
make sense for a person in hiding, or even simply
trying to turn a new leaf, to go into the limelight...
but i see how it added tension...so i liked it even
if i protest the newsy interviews of the protagonist.
cheers or bravo...hmm, i am writing this about an hour
after going to sleep...it is still the wee hours but
my dream was so weird that it delivered a jolt as it were;
there is a gathering of people in the living room and
i don't like one of the men there but i go to bed
after feeding skirt who was wounded in the scene
and i had to lift him up for the plate noticing there
a flattened sort of foreleg paw, in my thinking i
chalk it up to the kids running around carelessly
as it seems there were also children then as if reflecting
or foreshadowing itself i get up from bed quickly dressing
intent on kicking out the man i dislike, as i dress i can
hear mother agreeing to go to the shop and return to cook
some sort of meal which she is excited over, i grab the
keys and make my way down the hall - on the kitchen counter
a record is playing, vinyl, i want to love you night and day
it is singing in a doowoop style heavy on the vocals, male
vocals, i had been wondering how could i see myself and for
a second worried about some recording device in the apartment,
i start telling no one in particular that that man cannot be
in my house while reaching to shut off the spinning song -
i get up shocked that only minutes have transpired...i take
out the trash still confused by the crowd in a dream within
the place that contains only myself and skirt...the sensation
was frightening as i felt it was something urgent yes like
blood rushing to the head yet there is atruth contained in
it and that is that there are people who i avoid based on
some instinct, some perception, some inner wisdom which
has served me well. catching my breath as it were, i
wonder if robert graves was right that the white goddess
will haunt the poet until his muse is properly satisfied...
will battle against his distractions and even his wealth
to keep the need or desire to exceed his own verses...
i listen to another chapter of the haunting of hill house
but i am thinking more about lotta than the narrative...
a lot more in fact.
14 december. the inclination or inspiration to write
is with me yet i pause trying to decide which dream
or thought to put place first...first place put the
misfits, i had for years wanted to ear it and hear
what it would yield, to see it and wear what it would
yield...once upon a time, when i wrote the biographical
story entitled baptism by desire, i visited a book shop
where there was only one tome on clift and where the
clerk said why not ask eli wallach...i didn't realize
he lived nearby although some time later i saw him
while we both walked west end avenue but i was
done with the story by then and i'm not one to
intrude...but the point is i went into the misfits
last night...it's a good time too since back then
i would only have thought of clark gable as the
gone with the wind character unaware of his past,
his genius past - i could say the same for john huston,
which would only have registered as prizzi's honor but
now especailly after seeing 1960s unforgiven there is
a more complete sense of what it means...still it wasn't
the men...it was marilyn and it was alot more monroe
than say monkey business which is where i saw her last -
now all the hoopla makes sense to me and i'm really excited
to see the rest of it and to a lesser extent dirty angels...
i wonder if this is the one where eva had to go through a
lawsuit...i wonder what wild stories john huston told
arthur miller on the set of that production...correction
i might have recalled that director as an actor in chinatown.
sometime before that significant evening for myself, i had
a point of confusion as to the brand of jacket lotta wore...
in thinking of zara or mango i thought of saramago the scribe
of 'blindness' and illustrated the uncertainty in commentized
form...i only bring it up because a minute ago the news reports
the founder of mango fell off a cliff...for the obvious reason,
i thought it weird but also for the fact that i thought mango
was by penelope;s sister...night and the middle of the night hours
crawled by lazy after a terrbily breezy day...turbo ily shadows
while listening to the haunting of hill house...telegraph said
cherry hill who would take up to seven years to build toy scale
model steam trains had rolled on into what must be an intricate
afterlife...theodora is not the easiest name for me to hear...
then too the narrator when playing the professor sounds exactly
like christopher waltz...listening to the dead play cold rain
and snow...i'm going where those chilly winds don't blow...
well literally this late morning although still not seeing
the sky in dream i had this sensational adventure with lotta
as if meeting her at the station, the one in sweden, although
she is presently ingermany, yes it didn't feel cold or windy -
like a man in a trance enchanted...i awoke amazed and even
after the post-rem slumber it remained with me so that i still
feel elated...i'm sure you know the feeling wherein nothing
else matters much so that for a minute or so life makes sense.
i suppose it was the setting since there was only conversation
while we made our way around...i've heard it often, location
is everything but now i'm a believer. i can't believe west sofia
started a gym, well pilates workout place...it's called reform
avenue...here's wishing her well...very well then, alexandra
seemed to insist on something in my imagination yet i could not
decipher it - of course, being me i worry a bit although i know
worrying is no help - i now think of ester exposito...yet my
instinct was that someone was trying to invade her while
pretending to be me as i had not had such a bizarre and
forceful series of thoughts...in fact with alexandra it was
and hopefully is always extremely pleasant and helpful in
the sense that she is the only person to ever make me
consider the importance of washing my face...the other
day i was shocked at the dirt on the dickinson's witch
hazel towel as i scrubbed my mug and thought of her with
that oh you were so right in that sense...anyway subsequent
to where i was i drifted away from worry which for a second
turned bottomless with the previous concern of when her
shift shipped her out to deliver a few months ago...yet
as i consider it now the contrast of those worries was
like night and day...perhaps it was all overthinking yet
i certainly felt an undefined pressure as i drifted further
away into sleep...i say all this because everyone is important
in their right and especially girls need more safety in our
illogical meat grinder rat race society...methinks, meanwhile
i fully support sonia taking over pinsk and for that matter
all of belarus...ah yes, that was the last time i dreamt of
the sky. sigh. yes i know too much information but blame the
tmi on the swedish dream that is still making me feel magical
although i pulled no rabbit out of this convoluted paragraph
15 december. the john huston film from 1960 did not disappoint,
in fact i felt it went above and beyond what anyone would have
or could expect...my high praise however stems from the inspiration
i found in learning about horses...he actually entered a camel
race in the middle of directing that movie and came in first
place...i think of mia in tracks now which also featured a
dog, here it was tom dooley...character from a folk song...
well, there was something poetic and poignant as the female
lead stood on the plains away from the men calling them
murderers as if a ghost of herself foreshadowing her own
spirit;s rant upon her death august fourth of the next
year...they had wrapped november fourth...i could be a
critic against montgomery's performance yet having
studied his life and knowing he did suffer a horrific
car crash only a few years previous it only made me
grimace and in some ways cheer for him even if i didn't
feel any emotion other than curiosity from his performance,
but i'd expect nerves would have played a part...
it was two in the morning euro time and lotta was still
editing her video...i went to sleep at three yet awoke
at five...i dreamt i was in a bed sideways on the
lower side opposite the headboard - there was a girl
under the sheets i could not see yet felt like a friend,
mother climbed into bed and she tickled her toes until
mother covered them then we started holding hands, the
girl and myself as mother started to speak about me getting
married which led to my wisecrack that tiffany wanted to
marry me wherein suddenly i could see tiffany in the city
riding a bike, a purse on the handlebars which she was adjusting
and this shift in time and space felt entirely natural -
i get up to pee in the dream and the girl follows, the house
i recognize as aunt's laly old house on castillo 36 -
i stand by the kitchen door which i have just opened yet
the desire to pee has left me as i look at the view which
contradicts location...there was only a guava tree back there
yet in the dream housing buildings stood with some windows lit -
the locks are interlaced pads and chains and ionly used the bolt
leaving the mystery for someone else to figure out - the girl
now wants to pee - but other family has arrived, one of them
taking the bathroom perhaps for a bath...well shower since there
was never a bathtub in that house - i think for a second it's
kia jade yet i believe she's taller...we make our way into
the front porch where another aunt is dressed in white and red
in fact they all were - one of the boys even seemed to be wearing
a dress - i say it is like the so-called gypsy roma people and
turning away from the sour faced cousin in the dress i start singing
here comes the bride heading back inside finding myself between two
ladies i do not recognize but one of them is really singing the song
in full emotional voice, she reminds me for a second of lotta's mom
but i do not know if she can carry a tune actually, in any case i turn
to the other lady that i somehow know is a singer and mention how well
the other lady is belting it out...i suppose i turn to finally see who
i am with but awake in that very moment...moodys downgraded the french
credit score and mayotte was battered by a cyclone...although bowie
took up most of the space in me that would grieve over the loss of
a loved one, as i looked at van morrison and sinead oconner's duet of
have i told you lately on the letterman show i could see vm's antics
bring out the true sinead and in an instant one understands her
contradition which was both shy yet outspoken, nervous yet filled
with admiration and desire to bring joy to the world - indeed it
was an angel we all lost too soon...so i say to contrast with
my thoughts spurred on by the dream as to how much northern
land the french side of my family gave up for the sake of
not going to paris...or more importantly who were the ones that
left it...i miss that house, i miss all the houses that are no
longer ours...they were true homes even now in dreams like
apartment 3k is and will be...but feeling i went over board
writing these notes yesterday i will leave it at that for now.
post-script - well i can't say i entirely understood dirty
angels, i mean it starts with eva green being stoned which
gave me perhaps too much to think about...from religion to
rainy day women...then that bloody shot of her swollen face,
this is not the lawsuit film as that was never made, ie the
lawsuit she won a few months ago...where was i - ah yes
then in uniform - i really liked that - i even started
thinking we should all wear military outfits...so an action
film and in that sense it was all right...indeed, it kept
me watching. my only protest here is the chosen song which
leads into the fade out credits...some bland heavy metal
which leaves you thinking what song is that...meybe they
thought any rock would do to come full circle with the
thrown stones at the start...yes i am glossing over the
importance of the political side but one peek at the news
will tell you how timely it is...i haven't heard of any
upcoming eva green projects yet i hope there are some soon.
meanwhile i have secured 'maria' yet it all seems so quick;
it really feels like a few days there was an article with
angelina jolie in oversized glasses that said she was filming...
how could it be cut and edited and released so swiftly...
i went to sleep again after viewing lotta's vlog and i
was very happy to see her so full of joy...my dreams
flew by in a flash and i awoke to an even happier lotta
which made me update the landing page at inkrealm.info...
skirt has, after clawing through the leather kitchen chair,
taken to hanging out on the dining table...so will i be
eating in bed? he's already used up the chair part of the
ottoman set and now rarely takes to it...like a playboy
except it's furniture instead of women...this was an
unexpectly eventful sunday - well it still is, even in
european hours there are three left, while here there
are seven or eight left...
16 december. i viewed 'maria' however i don't want to
write about it...it tells so many stories all at once
while actually reincarnating the voice of callas and
vividly revealing the isolation that goes hand in hand
with fame, (although some might argue that her hallucinations
were due to drugs) that to speak of it even in praise
could not serve it. it was early morning in asia
when i went to sleep exhausted for no specific reason
other than perhaps oversleeping...my thoughts curved
between lotta and lauren sophia...i dreamt i was walking
home, yet the new york city version, checking the mail
where rows of mailboxes were missing as i went into the
other side finding some old people with no answer as
to why it was like that...glass door sassy woman looked
me over as i walked upstairs...key at the door turning
as a man approaches intent on talking about some concert
it seemed he knew i had gone too as well, not so many
russians this time, he smirks and i say nothing and
i still remain silent as he insists on entering until
i push him out and start to shut the door...marian
is inside and somehow this seems normal to me...two
of her friends then knock on the door and tell me
their names, i repeat the names to her and she says
she doesn't want to be with them, i take it that
she is tired and relate the message offering to
pay for their taxi...marian gives me an 828 number
and they give me an address in queens...for a minute
the scene settles into only us yet quickly turns
to us walking in a part od town that is a cross
between the village and central park west...for
some reason lotta is now with marian and showing
her some kind of way to walk, i suppose it is
something models do...they seem to get along
better than with me...i am sort of pleased and
happy that they are happy as i walk up central
park west, then lotta climbs up on me from behind
making me go into a run and there i am running
yet a few strides in i feel her leg and notice
she is not wearing shoes...this starts to wake me
and i get up with my touch having got to her thigh...
i am thinking of L'amour est un oiseau rebelle and
how she mentioned two girls had showed up in dusseldorf
and perhaps that was what the dream was about but i am
not certain what she meant, that is, it was german and
it seemed to imply fangirls or some recognition from
what i understood...as i think of it more i suppose
she is concerned over the meeting tomorrow promoting
hejgreta...i know iwould be as a lot of company's make
these events without too much thought about security...
i remember being shocked at lara taking a taxi and making
her way through the street and crowd to get to one...
hmm, or worse lila wearing wings in midtown manhattan
struggling through pedestrians along with other models...
and those were big name fashion houses that could surely
afford something better for their girls...oh wait this
has gotten into an overboard groove and in technical
terms it is still yesterday here although lunch time
in asian cities.
17 december. in a dream i seem to have gone out with
only a blanket swirled around my body and for some
reason i walk into a bakery shop or is it more correct
to call it a pastry shop...i thought about that pierre
shop in wagen...it would take me while to see all the
pretty places i want to experience in germany...my
cousin would often awake like that, with the blanket
instead of clothes...a modern day linus without the
piano or thumb sucking...i myself have raced to the
ringing phone dressed like that but only to not
stand naked in the living room...i decided to disregard
the constant flow of news although i did take a stand on
djerf wondering why women are trying to tear down a woman
that carved out a place for herself in an impossible atmosphere...
give em hell, matilda...yes this is partly because lotta
likes that fashion but also i don't like the trial without
due process or jury...that being the case i wont commentize
on venom the last dance since i missed the second film of
that movie trilogy...where was i...ah yes so i got a lot
done even trimmed my toe nails...no news isnt good news
yet it leaves a bit more space for self...i did glance
at the wisconsin situation twice given that the star
of that sitcom was named natalie samantha rupnow,
a woman, well, a girl...amazing...i had not heard
of female mass murderers...massage place with that
name 2053 Detlor Rd, L'Amable, ON K0L 1C0, Canada...
dennis thomas rupnow passed away 28 october '23,
david ernst rupnow 4 january '22...not a common
name but several other obits - not sure if any relate
to her...a kid in the second grade telephoned the
report to authorities...honda made the nsr500 until
2002...there are at least two agencies with the
abbreviation of NSR...i will peek later to see if
anything more might be said over this tragic or sad
turn of events...such a nice place, madison wis...
wish dream resulted in weird dream as mother
was here again having let in some people that moved
things around and so i argued until things were in
place then in the balcony an old man had put an even
older woman in a sort of brenda lien call of cuteness
cat sock and i put both out into the staircase all the
while asking who was who as the man responded...salami
people the size of plantains...a lot of it in spanish
so i suspect the result of an onlooker...my right foot
in a slow painful spasm as if i had actually been racing
around putting the place in order...she keeps saying
she gets up thinking she is here or that she has dreamt
about being here...i had no idea i was such a pleasant
host...i do have an idea that printing these notes
looks as if it were writing yet it is not...it's not
that i am not considering readers, no, it is more like
what i do with musical scales...a ritual except here
there's nothing to contain a random thought and dreams
well, dreams are what they are...hopefully as might be
the case in mastering notes, these unedited paragraphs
will serve as a base or starting point for other projects...
i'm not promising, only saying. that being said, i will
try to be more concise down the line.
31 december
dream at one of my machines - there is an alert
to review and back up files...i suppose the
obituary people are all upset as they were
about to wrap the year in a bow never as goodly
as paris hilton red -there goes the grand theft
president! not that i didn't think he'd been
long gone for a while now - not that i didn't
think highly of him - not as highly as willie
nelson smoking roof - men in atlanta tryin'
to pass for...four in the morning, mourning?
azer - kor - eth...deadly week and to ship
a gretsch from amazon cost the self same
price as the axe - i ask how...well nevermind,
no reference to nirvana...the albino was
julian, libido was electric guitars, mosque-
toe must;ve been some cousin i kissed -
no i could not entirely escape the newsy
escapades -hmm gl maketh espada hh...
i made a list of wish guitars, not that
one...well then it seems i have a lot of
proverbial ground to cover since sexy
and seventeen...how many days was that -
that was days many how...now i am not sure
how to skip into the start, to slide into
the past while keeping an eye on the future...
oh yes obviously, i augmented the scale exercise
with two new ones...which is what i wanted to
do upon waking but i was running out of space
on the jot pad where upon i scribbled notes
to make way for this passage - let's see...
in no particular order - lotta dream conversation
except i saw her here at the foot of my bed -
i recall stringing out a joke which may have
been politically incorrect well racist to simplify
matters, and suddenly she punched me in the belly...
i get up in between a smile and confusion...no
confusion over the order - a film that exceeds
itself...i think the crucial point, aside from the
amazing king craft on display and the several
shocks especially if you happened to know bm, is that
the white power movement has been so silenced as to
make it perhaps more alluring in that reverse psychology
manner that often works its way through irony i guess -
when speaking about it i automatically equated what
could potentially be a martyr in that movement with
the genocide of native americans, how is the day of
the rope any different from the goal of the calvary...
well, i digress but back then i got to thinking about
the whole jew blood libel hype...i wondered how could
a 'thing' like that be sustained on mere whispers?
i had to come to my own conclusions which i will
retain away from the arena of these notes for the
sake of fairness or at least to give myself time to
actually consider any contradictions in my logic -
i do have a theory, but we can all agree it is a
sensitive and rare matter...well, done i say to myself
in secret feeling i have covered the pros and cons of
the bases...standing on the plate i pitch myself a dream
rib eye steak like i used to have with anya -there is
a bare ass girl which i don't think i have seen in dreams -
yeah usually it's the front side...i woke up thinking of
miss mcderby bending over extremely near what was my
school face then she turned with a blushing smile sorry
to which i think i only raised eyebrows grin like it's
nothing to me hell i was not even reminded of being
birthed...back in the dream a girl is moving on the bed
in snake fashion and suddenly pill prescription bottles
are going into her upwards where the sun don't shine -
yes i have lived a couple of lifetimes simply wandering
about myself around myself at the end of twenty twenty
four, it already feels like forty years in the desert,
some of the jottings don't mosey along, same school
the principal says that type of handwriting means you
are cheap...i spend other lifetimes giving gifts to
complete strangers to prove him wrong...more recently
going in the opposite direction...mr prohartchin...
one of the books i poured into my ear...still not
sure if there was a sister in law or not, knots
memory alivia like a flash bulb leading me to dream
that emilee is pulling worms from her herself as i
hesitate to use the word pussy - well they looked
more like roots one might find in the ground...it
haunted me some...i wondered if it had anything
to do with re-reading notes from underground...
not what i remembered or possibly my state of mind
is more content for i thought the second part
was hilarious..."simonov was positively surprised
at my turning up"...not the putting down of liza...
it was my second or even third dream recently of
miss grant and i'd been thinking it was like saying
simonov aloud might make one think it's semenov so
that lotta's sibling being emil, which once anyway
sounded to me like email, might make for this dream
irony...obviously sound makes a difference, it struck
me last night as the 'colmado' exterior voiced resounded
and then returned that the root cannot tell which way
it will go...el colmado question mark buzz no buzzer
but shout it out loud...even thinking of it now derails
the writing - twilight zone - ah yes i even dreamed
of a delivery but that was pizza as if watching it
from the porch looking down onto the avenue...dear
putin please win but don't bomb lviv as west sofia
has set up a pilates place therein...party scene
large house or hotel suite girl with me entwined
just like that other sitting dream huh yeah somewhere
yet herein i get up notice a room full men laying
on the floor all erect like the dead kennedy poster
come to life with hard ons reaching for something,
for someone ? i continue into another bedroom
and i see tom with several women on the bed motions
me to join i rest there with the entwined girl you
would say it is weird but i will awake and explain
that i had viewed rock of ages - back in the dream
i get up and head to the kitchen where i start eating
rice but more is cooking the blonde is serving -
some plates have beans...i think of one of my lyrics
"uptown they like their rice frijolin"...i forget which
song its from when i rise from the dream i feel dirty
yet also concerned over suri...not yet making the
connection to the movie with the monkey...well there
were several other films too, best one was the german
'sleep' - storm over lisbon was mediocre yet in parts
memorable, idiot;s delight...early clark gable, over the
top peace protest yet a haunting ending...anora i felt
was cheap in contrast to all souls...btw that was an
excellent font in the end credits...really cute kid in
that making her debut...here's wishing her well.
no easy transition from child actor to actor if that
is or will be the case...very few guitars come with
cases - some people in a dream are mourning phil -
i try for empathy not having much room for defining
the meaning after bowie...i bow to inka baffled by
the following dream...the huffing and puffing is
real...no flashing lights in my eyes - she's next
me like some sort of magic spell, telling me she
loves me - we are smoking a joint that is weed
i wonder over the saliva not knowing if it was
her or me...a song is playing far away, 'just
the way we used to' which i had not heard before -
the time before i looked her up seeing she had just
arrived from a trip...was i tripping, in another
dream yes one of the flights leaves at one thirty
and i suppose i am trying to make it yet i meet
a girl in a hotel twice then waking up before flying -
mother continually repeats that she dreamt she was
here with me and the cat - after dozens of times i
dream of her with dalva visiting, i am holding a
bottle of bailey's irish cream - father at the door
with some stranger i push them both into a corner
easily as they are drunken...i ask mom to select the
goblets for her drink, in the cabinet i see gold
trimmed snoopy glasses - i seem to be in a hurry -
i get up feeling someone is trying to kill me, not
paranoid but feeling pushed into the land of the
deceased...twice dreamt aunt's house...weird man
'interviewing' mom...i had been reading haunted
hill house and i felt the prose falter here and there
yet as it concluded i recalled one of my cousins
had a house in a place called portal which holds a
bit longer pronounciation outside of english...anyway
i can't say that place was haunted but there certainly
was some sort of possessive spirit...it took hold of
dad once upon a time and most memorable was the instance
which it took hold of that cousin in question...he awoke
driving in his underwear entirely beyond sleep walking,
slumber driving...i mean if it happens to one person
you'd argue what it was but as it transpired to a couple
of people a couple of times...well, shirley jackson's
fiction cannot be simply defined or dismissed...
indeed the very story led then to binge watching
the veil which i do not hesitate to recommend - neat
blazing action sequence akin to slow horses...intense.
as if in a spy world and isnt it? i also binged on
liaison but one of the characters reminded me of the
train station slasher which made me uneasy although
i will say that every once in a while i felt as if i
was actually in france for the way the city was
presented...in separate scenes i was viewing dance
videos but picking at my skin as if mucus from nose
with a sense of disgust and then worry that i was being
watched...pretty news lady friendly in the maria luisa
manner...it's been too long since i;ve been in italy -
pasta with her felt divine - other self dream found me
staring at my face but liking that my eyes didn't look
so puffy...cure for bags...sunglasses...please don't
hit me lotta...dream of lotta showing me pictures in
a slide motion like one scrolls on social media except
these were none of the ones i've seen her post...dream again
simply standing in front of me - i suppose i would share
my olives with her...olivia led me to india which led
me to 'look away' an above average reel with a very
clever maria/airam mirror image angle...of course she
is awful pretty so i would have to see it again to say
anything as i kept thinking how beautiful sometimes
or how she looked too young for such an extreme film -
i suspect she was twenty two or so but looked twelve
in some places...previously bizarre uncle and other cousin
dream where there is talk of radames being dead, i only
have a vague idea of who that might have been and none
as to his living status...it's an apartment but past the
hallway which i traverse having to squeeze by a man i
do not know, perhaps radames...there is a cash register
without buttons yet opens with all the usual components
and cash more like euros than dollars...there seems to be
no system to it...it seems to be about a bag of cement...
there is a white car outside right at the entrance door...
years ago i seem to have a notion that there was a joke
equating cement with semen...i thought then it was merely
the sound like word play...when i heard men speak of it,
then much more recently i connected cement with a more
devious connotation as in a woman being cemented which
i figure could have several meanings and is not well
not that i know of related to walks of fame squares...
speaking of squares...boxes, in guitar search aftermath
i dream beatles, well paul possibly - but then a sort
of warehouse with hundreds of them...a couple of guys
are throwing them down below...i doubt anyone has ever
counted how many guitars exist...no walrus - i will
be thanking kramer next month...i thank my muses now
dear me only a few hours before it's twenty five in
asian cities meat i made it so good but the next day
it tasted like alpo...switzerland is my bucket list,
i'm not really upset at juliette...i thought ralph was
on point in the return - like a slow poem that spins
a wicked wisdom...why did i return to these notes now,
well in case ms haas asks over my vision board...i
didn't want my club sandwich christmas to be a point
of discussion- afire, well no i didn't like that one.
although it made me realize i didn't know what oncology
meant...it only reminded me of the old timer bullies
that made you say uncle while stepping on some part of
your body...oh wait in that wormy roots dream there
was a very specific stereo the type with two big speakers
on either side...music coming from it like u2 but i hear
my voice...a bit low on the mix it seemed while trying
to tempt other versions via the equalizer...'we are one
but we're not the same'...sequence prayer for Beate
Zschaepe - i still believe she was railroaded. in a dream
with another german i awake partly alarmed by the words
'grave foundation'...i am going to spend the last day of
the year with the phantom for park so dam...
너도 새해 복 많이 받아
1 january
2025. so damn happy i picked that so dam film...it was
magnificent. taking its time with twists and turns then
bringing it all back home with bang...i made a lipton
noodle thing a bit concerned over the amount of salt -
last time it was too much, but i got it so right that
for the first time ever there were no leftovers in
the pot...yum.
i don't really have any dream to report, i think i
dreamt of one my aunts but i did not retain the facts...
it's still six in the morning here but i've done
everything i wanted to do for the day...in terms of
scales and updating the film list...i have an inclination
to tidy up the kitchen and should get to that although
it is no way to kick off the new year...
let's see how that goes...wednesday huh...
well, in case anyone cared to know;
my guitars of choice are the ibanez roadstar and
martin acoustic, i have a classical model which
have not met and the kramer now on the way...
my wish ones are the gretsch...i thought maybe
the nick 13 but it has a drawing on the pick
guard along with extra letters on the top so
i crossed that out but still one of the g5s
is what i'm thinking...then one of the schecter's
which i like actually for the back of it...
further away are the reverend flying v and the
gibson voodoo v...i'm attracted to some eastwood
models, and finally flaxwood which is a finland
maker that has nice telecaster types and something
called laine series...i've had fenders in the
past but i don't think i am willing to pay for
one at this point...i like the john 5
signature series as well the the triplecaster
put out with jack white but for that kind of money
i would opt for a 90s bc rich...well i will leave
it at that since i find i can easily spend hours simply
looking at pictures of guitars and if i carry on
there will be no chance for the kitchen clean up. cheers.
ps, honorable mention goes to high spirit's
Shadow Hawk - Blonde, Milwaukee Guitar Company
Chief 317 Prototype, & Potvin's
Super Bee S-Style...
2 january
i think i might like the deadwood guitar co model
called the revival yet i hesitate to list it...
i'd have to see if they provide cases like
voodoo custom guitars...the kitchen was more or
less done except for the dishes in the fridge...
i got up around midnight wondering if i should
put place that music man axe i like along with
the others or even the carry on blackstar which
has a star on the headstock that reminds me of
bowie and heineken...uhm the mm is the st vincent
model...although bilt's ultra zaftig might
be a nicer choice...by the way if you are wondering
how i find certain types; instead of searching
for a general return of guitar makers - which will
only bring up the main and cheap brands - you
search for guitar makers in a specific location...
city or state and you will be pleasantly surprised.
i think i figured out my conflict with the enigmatic
and arabic scale...i simply have to call the latter
the byzantine and then it is not so confusing somehow.
i played the twenty scales, repeating some of them
a few times for fun and to memorize since i only
have learned nineteen of them...given that it is
still the middle of the night i go back to bed -
in my dream i then awake in apartment 3k...i am
alone there and worried since other people have
access...i am thinking of barricading the door
but then notice belkis cooking a ton of food -
she is asking me something about rice but i say
i don't know what to say while wondering how she
who has never been to new york is there...i take
out the trash and see skirt by the elevator but
when i go to pick him up, it's a mirage...should
i say hologram...hmm...i open the compactor which
is nearest to three d - there is a wood slab
preventing the opening of the shute - i remove the
slab and see the bearded man that used to live there
walking away - i notice there are things scattered
around this closet like space that i want and start
to put them into a bag - a handsome woman appears
with thin lips talking about the movie and i have
an exact memory of what she means but not when i
saw it or if it was with her - now the cat is really
in the hallway and i chase him inside...i myself
go in seeing a huge red wok shaped cooker but covered
and the pot steaming...it is where the fridge should be
and i awake again as the three o'clock hour nears...
i have a certainty that father's spirit is in that apartment,
the place i called home longer than any other - otherwise
i can't decipher this scene...or perhaps it is too early
for critical thinking.
4 january
very attracted to the gretsch rancher. which made me consider
acoustic models...however, at this point i'm locked in with
my martin and the only "popular' models i would consider
otherwise are the gibsons...i know some people may not
comprehend the enthusiasm over instruments...like that
dream - which in reflection i reasoned out via word play,
ie; kelvis did live a long while in our house and visited
a few times before that so it might have been about him
- that is the letters of his name nearly match belkis -
to clarify without the burden of too much explanation;
one is a cousin and the other a maid...having not mentioning
them previously in these notes, i thought it should be stated.
looking at the image of the radical jabbar, no relation to
the great kareem abdul, i got goosebumps over the resemblance
to the man in three d...in an icky way...i feel it's frightful
and i don't like the way the american year is starting...
the las vegas truck bomber ? there's a woman fleshing out
fearful scenarios in fast words...which is fine, except
people are listening, some even agreeing...so there's
paranoia in the air...i had felt that W and cheney had
secured the states yet i see now that that might have
been my immaturity wishing - is there a group intent on
derailing the return of rightful rule and kennedy...
ask not what your country can do...at this point i can
only dot the i over my suspicion. now then, the enthusiasm;
well it's like this - someone buys a flying v and minutes
later he starts searching through more pictures of guitars
and gets into an argument with himself...i will not admit
openly to him being me, but later i thought about the
graduation ring...how i wanted a green gem but they all
said blue...the guitar in question was mint green...a
lighter shade than the cadillac green...if it was myself,
i most likely opted to wait a few months and in terms
of color, well i was settled on something white or silver.
i didn't recall any dreams and skipped jotting these
notes - then last night, i clearly dreamt that a woman
had positioned herself upon me, she had a woven strip
of lace lightly lashing out from her mouth as if unraveling,
reeling downward, naked, she undid my pants and put her
straddle side on my genitals, when i looked down there
was a frothing liquid chalk pouring out of her, i was not
yet erect yet thought i was ejaculating and awoke thinking
of alexandra and ester who reminds me of alexandra -
the scene brought to mind the memory of doris scratching
her eyeball with her nail which i had seen pre-dream
weeks ago - it always struck me as unusual and i wonder
why i never asked if her eyeball was itchy...it also
made me remember the stranger pre-dream of lotta's
necklace being drenched in semen...i noticed she
stopped wearing it and to some extent made me worry -
i think it was some time after frankfurt - i notice
too a shift in feeling, nearly an absence since xmas.
it may all of course be my surroundings, even sorrow
instead of snow...a secret cat fight that i am not
entirely privvy to - oh the pitfalls of worship...
long sigh, hmm, so after he gets the flying v he
thinks to put place a shirley sticker on it...
we have always lived in the castle...decisions, decisions...
words i can't ever pronounce right...ennui...
i read the daemon lover and heard her voice...
it is near to sylvia plath's tone...
i re-watched shirley and understood it a bit more...
i also read her short story paranoia not knowing
it was unearthed much later...2013...she had
put it to pen in 1965...feeling the literary buzz,
i packed up a few books i wanted to find or finish,
to keep to the point i will only mention here the
letters of shirley jackson...i don't expect anything
as witty as ezra pound or as interesting as william
burroughs but once i get through hangsaman i expect
to be pleasantly surprised...uhm hangsaman is the
novel she is working on in the film...in terms of
my own work, i have only been moved to consider
a romance story involving carol jean and del lamb -
going backwards from the end and ending at the
camelot hotel in tulsa honeymoon after the nixa
church of christ wedding...mrs lamb passed away
on the 22nd of december, they were married over
half a century - of course with all the guitars
in my thoughts, i don;t expect that a fictional
version of her story will go further than thought
for now...i listened to all the available versions
of deep ellem blues in preparation to record my
6 january
i get up a quarter past midnight making it nearly
six in the morning in sweden...i swear it was a
very strange sunday...i had got up early with
a dream wherein there was a woman here upon
my bed enticing me into making love...there
was a cock ring but it was more like a strap
as the type worn for testitcles i suppose -
i have the feeling it is rafaelina yet i have
not heard or thought of her in years...it is
not exciting as we try two positions and as
i awake perhaps sensing the oncoming weirdness-
of course i overthink the matter and it takes
a couple of hours of contemplation...yet the
weather was brilliant, crisp...nearly cold -
i knew lotta was going back home and viewed
her glow up video perplexed by her tanning ritual-
still not as perplexing as ripley which i saw
almost hating andrew in it yet with a heightened
sense of emotions as if i somehow identified with
the character...maybe this was due to the fine
cinematography...the series is shot in grainy
greyscale...i watched it for dakota except there
wasn't enough of her in it...later in the curio
sunday i watched the watchers which had a lot more
fanning...anyway the glowy thing took me into the
noon hour...i felt removed from myself as if one
walking in a daze...somehow i settled my sexual
excitement and played through all the scales...
i did this standing suddenly understanding that
i don't need to look at the fret in most cases but
also seeing that at least one of the new ones
got muddled by not being seated...the cool weather
made breathing much easier...olives and a sandwich
along with the movie...lotta arrived and for a
minute there i nearly felt content - well, happy-
even if i had spent most of the time searching
through guitars to buy or not to buy...to bebop
or to beatnik what is the question...i made a
wish for a nice time for the actors at the
ceremony although i hadn't really thought about
it since jodi was put up for honors...
i chose to return to sleep but that was delayed
by someone yelling outside nearby...i raced to
reach a point where that sound and its associated
trauma could not reach me...is it always illegal
to kill a nuiscance? coffee cigarettes and sprite
and i went into dreamland especially thanks to lotta -
well the thought of her which now came with dakota...
as i thought back to viking days...in my dream i am
in a hotel intent on saving a girl, she's child like
and men are bullying her, they even have her naked
and i manage to manuveur her away...it was then
sensual yet in some experimental way as if she were
a doll or an artificial intelligence embodied...
we saunter in the escape and reach the railway station
- a heavy set man in triplicate surrounds me as i see her
walk in front and further away - i think of gerard
but i do not feel small or even skinny as he holds
my arm, perhaps my shoulders...i only think why are
there three of him...i awake but only to snuggle myself
into further dreams - as i type now i half worry that
lotta might read these notes and mistake some of the
thoughts herein for intent...i also wonder if it was
kelvis that took my assistant commissioner police pin -
in any case i am glad of taking notice of pre-dreams
by which i mean those last fading thoughts that don't
always make sense or even contradict my own ideas...
i suppose the problem with the day was merely lack
of restful sleep...hopefully this excursion into
dream worlds will solve that jigsaw puzzle - in
scenes that now fade as if never been, i recall some
talk of jedi...it's only that i am still getting over
the irony of such a lovely day without the sounds
of colmado or avocado fruit vendors still being crashed
into by some other shouting...well, i was either
finally alone in three k or in conversation with lotta
as my feeling felt a sort of completion...in the struggle
to recall, there was a moment where something had to be
paid but i didn't have any cash on me not even my wallet
when suddenly - i think it was two hundred euros - a
woman pulls out a stack of what must have been ten or
twenty thousand euros and peels away a couple of the
bills put placing them on the counter to my astonishment.
maybe it was three hundred since that would match
with the earlier fat man frenzy...the driver carries no
cash - i now have this stash of guitar price knowledge...
i believe i am done searching but i would never have
guessed how addictive well that is not the right word,
how entertaining it is for me to look at electric
guitars...i nearly want to have another look at only
lovers left alive, but having seen it a couple of times
already i can play and pause it right in my mind's eye.
yeah funnel of love could be the soundtrack for scrolling
through the six string instruments.
december 8
bowie sarah polley elvis day and it seems i was never told
it was also kreiger and bassey day...a minute ago i was
thinking of the mistaken lilia instead of my lilia as it
is also her day...and how the date came to hold meaning
for me in the first place...nora makes james spill the
goods...i didn't dream yesterday and today i dreamt so
clearly of emilee dressing and kissing me that i thought
i was not dreaming - of course lotta's middle name is
emilie and when i awoke i had to confront myself with
a sort of weighing the matter...i ate most of an orange
with sugar right away...do i say to me that miss grant
is calling me or that snowbound lotta's name creates
this irony...most ironic was pig, as the vice president
of the nick cage south american fan club, although
i should be promoted, the film is extremely informative
if one cares to pay attention...i wasn't in the right
mind set...the swine's face reminded me of alexandra
and she is interested in acting but it was the only time
i felt that except when i used to hang out with a
sibling of some narcotic agent...to think of it now he
died in a car crash and she had a close call driving
recently...i write it extemporanously and with the hope
that it voids future incidents when she is at the wheel...
so portland is three hundred years overdue for the thing
i will not mention...whoa, nell has not posted in a year,
i do hope no one has put placed a pony up daddy saddle
on her...nicole mentioned woman under the influence and
although i myself dislike boxd-letter, i went to see it.
the line "i'm not a spaghetti man" sticks with me somehow.
i couldnt get the right voice and speed to enjoy hangsaman as
an audio book so i eyeballed it which is much faster yet
actually slower given my inclination to postpone or procrastinate
not to mention the natural distractions that occur when it is
not an actual paperback or hardcover...or it could be that i
yet feel the white goddess was not entirely learnt...no, not
as intense as finnegan's wake yet i want to gain as many
details as i might...still, life keeps moving like a wildfire
consuming the spaces with red hot burning replacements...
so as to even make social media scrolling logical to some
extent...i found it highly interesting that jean-marie passed
away on the day i failed to secure the agspalding pen i
wanted when the topic came up as i forgot my own notion
of waiting to get it later on...i did get a waterman which
was on sale...i believe they are french, no less...i believe
i like mr magoo but i have no clue how he came up in conversation
with mother...she liked the clip but i was told she did not
have patience for the film...i thought it was wonderful...
1001 arabian nights - actually an ancestor; abdul aziz magoo
sells lamps and his lazy nephew is aladdin...i mean come on
there are even three little maids from damascus...
to circle back to the thin white duke, aladdin sane not
only had the jean genie but also panic in detroit...the
lions have me expecting them to go all the way after the
pounding they gave minnesota last sunday...i am trying to
keep calm...anyway i picked out the format for deep elem
and plucked through a few ideas but i don't seem to be in
a hurry about it. i suppose you could see that as confidence
or an addiction to hesitation. happy birthday, everyone.
nobody should feel so crowded with things to do...i run
through the ideas (shave, clean kitchen, make a meal,
receive the incoming delivery...groceries, take a bath,
give up on the idea of fender and esp guitars, well,
perhaps not some vintage models, scale ritual, start
the recording process for that blues song i want to
cover, update film list, take care of skirt, call mother, and avoid
the news while hoping los angeles makes it through
what can only be called a walking inferno) of course
instead i avidly search the news and then take a nap...
pre dream i felt no stability as if a face dance...
at least they were faces i liked...it's too bad no
beautiful girl ever feels as pretty as they look -
mostly they think it is make up or that their lips
are too thin or something...suddenly i am excited
to be asleep...i was fully expecting to see lotta's
mother as she had been on my mind upon waking but i
was actually in some european town...like portugal
i imagine or some hybrid place further north...
there is a girl that approaches me, somehow she
knows i am thinking of lotta, oh she's cheating on
you, i don't say anything and continue sauntering
until i see her at a dead end street leaning against
a silvery grey wall with some guy i do not know and
i near ironically looking at him not her and i say
not what i am thinking meaning he is wearing feathery
earrings going in fact for a compliment and then walking
away without speaking to her reaching the corner there
is an alleyway the type one finds in chinatown places
where a woman in the type of hat which would be more
akin to the 1930s or 1940s although less so floats
into the walkway upon which point i decide to follow
the anachronism and also to run yet halfway into my getaway
lotta is holding on to me and then drags me into some type
of mall that i can only describe as modern wherein she
seems intent on proving herself to me...she keeps repeating
that she wants to be there because they are giving away
something or other - the last word i saw her use was lustig
- it had that sound but it was another word - i do not ask
what she means possibly still annoyed at her being with the
bloke with the earrings - i notice an extended family and
a baby - i ask to experience the scene with me which she does
and it does not feel weird to sort of snuggle inbetween these
fat women looking down at the child - there are to older children
next to me and i ask about the kid's name, his name is neptune
you should say hi to him with his name, i step over to where
lotta is and see that in the meanwhile they have given her coffee
and i go along with the hello instructions and the baby waves
as if he really likes his name and then lotta leads me to
a cafe but its one without seats so we go horizantal into
one of the booths laying down me first then her in front of
the waitress who immediately settles down a very fine and crisp
looking salad so i suppose the word meant salad - salat, feldsalat,
not certain yet i take a close look at the waitress as i write
this now i want to say julia stiles yet the character was more
like ginnifer goodwin - in contrast to the guy i actually can't
memorize her face as i notice her undoing the lace of her collar
well choker i think they call them above a very sheer uniform
blouse that was sorely in need of a bra as the sight of nipples
and petite breasts once again made me realize that indeed for
men titties are like the sun then awaking feeling nearer
than ever to lotta yet not exactly sure what the dream meant
or if the lettuce was any good - i thought later perhaps it
meant that she has the notion that those are the type men like
or something...although i don't think she is insecure and so i
won't augment the thought with adding words about her cuteness
besides what if there is or was an affair...or even the
manipulation of emotion to provoke my jealousy after i put
placed westsofia77's project on the home page...who knows,
i do know it is next to impossible to balance the likes and
loves...usually i dive deep into the situation and neglect
everything else save for coffee and cigarettes, yet now
i am reluctant to give in to expectations or jump to conclusions,
much less make demands or disregard all the whatever it is i
need to get done and so it goes.
january 9
correction like the sun...for myself it would be like the rain.
on second thought the waitress might have been india...
that would make sense...i felt a sort of magic or synchronicity
in the list as i placed shanghai express after phantom as it
was the film playing in the fictional movie house...i had an
entirely different idea for what would follow yet i could not
find it and obviously this way even makes more sense - i also
viewed that film again - noticing the peiping sign and the
watch, a flintridge...it has a flip cover which one can still
get yet it has become an uncommon style...anyway it isn't a
movie about writers yet there are several written messages
which qualifies it for the list...after having only soup and
bread, the big meal made me sluggish...so much so that leaning
into the twenty scale ritual i was surprised - pleasantly,
at my own enthusiasm which i suppose was enhanced by now
feeling i got them down...i found out leighton was one of
the victims of the wildfires, well her house, but the
knowledge came along with finding out she was married and
has a couple of children...so in rifling through memory
the emotions were varied as if they wanted to contradict
themselves...what i think now or wonder is if she still
writes music...there was not much music in my mind save
for a zorn tune...zip, why is it zip code...hmm...gotta
look that up...questions i never asked...quickly i
embraced the idea of lotta in pre-dream as i pondered
over dean and schecter guitars...you gotta see the
eastwood guitars tiktok...extremely entertaining if
you like me like simply looking at guitars...the guy
from bizarre reno is also cool although he seems a
bit too enchanted by old fenders and gibsons...
seen the maestro series...but everyone says they are
not worth it...now then dreams...two men stood by
a truck, one peeing into mid-air as if trying to
wet a woman standing across from him...this again
was a scene in which i felt i was a viewer instead
of a participant to some extent - as the truck pulls
away, i see that lilia is in the back, i call to her
to get out of the truck as it speeds away...i kept
dreaming easier locations and sensations mostly
with lotta who got some of the snow cleared...
anyway none of these moments, perhaps for being so
casual kept themselves in the waking mind...i did
think how hard it must be for her to work through
the fine line of being herself while fencing off
the once in a while weird multitudes wanting her
to be something else...i suppose models and actresses
might relate to being in that positions - as i awoke,
the scene had me facing a very powerful woman, i
thought it might be an actress but that may only have
been due to the fact that i love cinema so...anyway
entirely different from my jean harlow silk dream,
here the woman was adamant - there's nobody like me
that will make you feel so fine, or was it good...
and there i was under a spell of sorts even bowing
down the way one does when knighted by royalty...
except my penis was gushing pee through the erection
as if the entire evening was scripted or someone
was trying to make me wet the bed...yet aside from
the number one, i felt there was some truth in it
that was told therein...i don't know who she might
be however...i know that i mentioned some pre-dream
similar to all this and perhaps someone reading it
was making it out to be what i never intended...i
mean yes i did "see" that but i remember carlos
cracked up on cocaine as we stood at west end
urinals suddenly turning to me and peeing on the
lower part of my right leg...so i don;t think any
one wants to be peed on and i certainly don't
want to pee on nobody...the pre dawn air is cool
i can hear jim singing 'passion lady give up your
vows...save our city ah right now'...i'm not having
an ale but i am already high on love...very much
so...meaning i adore me and i like exploring that
self adoration with lotta even in times when i
cannot recall what the dream said.
nine ten eleven;
fire ember works carried by wind's breeze
wild los angeles brought down to its knees
drug bring out the now no water glowing
crime to any with an above stop-buck knowing
i aeroplanes last forever: my song;
active like a barking -every hog- dog gone!
Pack up, the stars are not wanted now; tits,
crowd remains; the front porch just streets.
Around that time subsided by evacuated.
a dismantled sun walking while pouring red
cotton telephone ringing the number wrong
gloves was I scale moon sweep up the guitar; long
longing all the clocks cut was my mood.
good doom the juicy bone silence of piano coffin wood -
let the mourners come into smoke filled air semen...
noir ink he chose to gather at wear then
the housekeeper's daughter as ash fell hen
headless the firetrucks stood bows round the necks
until the last talk goes politics my South wrecks
my East retreating North up most Westerly
news idled among a kitchen of voices wickedly
so he won't do nothin' except this scribbling
on the sky a public glimpse of I said. wishing
place. my noon is an asian midnight and a swedish dusk snowing
trickled down disfigured chaos described
that catch a circle moaning as overhead dream died
muffled? ever? nothing! - nobody asking why
so much for zone improvement plan sigh
dateline berlin 1945 thought, that love
away, the ocean, and just think above;
kali for knee ah tumbles into the see
winter storm blair Wolverine up to Annandaley
so still time for a steely dan earthy quake?
we imagine logic itself writhing in an ache
never was such an award season so seasoned
january tsunami? don't even ponder it! it could be worsened
where ember woes cried by sad breeze's wind bells wail wit,
a messy devastation still dancing like a killer wood tell it.
(between father's remains in church and mother's "can't swim"
the days don't beatnik count! here was my poetic whim)
9 january
i somehow stumble dream into a department store yet i cannot find
the right exit, wandering around a woman with thick legs
grabs me as if a friend then we dance - i can feel her
press against me as if teasing the penis resting at her
thigh - she seems to know that i am trying to get somewhere,
to get home and we walk out of the place into an avenue
of darkness, she is walking ahead of me, heading to her car
and i am asking if she is really going to give me a ride
when unlocking the door with a guffaw she slides into
the vehicle leaving me without a clue as to where i am or
how to get home - i remember asking someone at the shop
which is the exit that leads to bella vista...a scene
later said some sort of argument with a man insisting on
something or other yet somehow wound up with a ruined
right foot, his valet stopping their ride in its track
as he howled in pain, getting out and flicking away
the two remaining toes onto the road carelessly...i
wake up wondering how i can see this or why i am
interacting with people that don't like me and i
surely don't like...i get up and adjust the los angeles
lament a bit, thinking i wrote it too hurriedly and it
could be improved somehow even if i know the main point
must hit the emotional place no one wants to speak of
like a bolt of lightning...i hope its quiet today
as the intrusive talk disrupted my inclination to
record...i suppose wearing headphones to get through
my own kitchen experience would do it otherwise -
maybe these dreams bordering on nightmare reflect
how rattled those loudspeakers and locals, as if timed
to detonate a word or two into the air as i stand
by the fridge, make me feel. you see i want to think
of the song not them...in the worst case scenario,
a muse or even myself in order to flesh out something
beyond this time and this place. ps, pre dream very
clear thought of ive fang this from memory handing
each other notes while i learned some chinese...
let us call it nostalgia - no sense in next dream
strolling what can only be washington heights -
a man is trying to tell me about some politician
that admires the police - i don't stop but glance
at the nightmare image of three men dressed up
like halloween cops - i can't help but voice the
fact of their corruption...dominicans! finding
a train station i am as if in a sequel to previous
dream trying to get home except now to manhattan -
i get on a train slowly with some guy that keeps
talking - get in, get in, he says - it is not like
the mta, in fact like a rollercoaster with an iron
belt strap holding the passengers in place -
there are two other guys in the front seat and
and a blurry figure directly behind so three rows
and this contraption is going to brooklyn and i am
asking what the stop is, brubaker? can i then transfer
back to a wagon to the city...the answer is vague,
the guys are in argument. i have no idea who they
are and awake baffled especially since like the
buses in rome one simply gets on without the process
of payment, if i recall it was sort of an honor system
in italy...but to someone from new york that means
a free ride...weird to think of that now.
11 january
well in reality not so weird, if i was thinking of
home, it would make sense as i felt at home in rome.
my dreams exploded into psychodelic vision the type
one might experience only with drugs or during a
fight except being hit in the eye is not as colorful
where the expression seeing stars originates...
after that all the scenes were easier yet nothing
i suppose remarkable enough to linger into waking -
i guess i was too excited over finally recording
deep elem blues...i did an electric version which
i still liked after listening to it a few times -
even if i feel the chorus vocal needs to be doubled
and the fact that it went over five minutes...i
did that on an empty stomach and then after a light
meal i recorded a different version of the same
song using the acoustic but this take was haunted
by someone mentioning a now political singer-songwriter,
strange how that happens - so i struggled even with
the words as if distracted although i've been studying
them and even wrote them down...anyway no excuses, that
second take was still good but far from great except
for the way i turned the chord changes...making it a
seventh e then a bent e on the fourth fret resolving
into the regular e major on the verses...the vocal was
awful in failing to be mindful of the words and again
over five minutes...i decided to give the shelton brothers
version another listen since i based it on them...ah,
no break between the verse and chorus gets you a three
minute song...still, for only having done the scale ritual
in recent weeks or even months, i felt pretty pleased at
the results...i could nearly understand why the beatles
recorded dozens of takes...not that i am going in that
direction...yet all this is tempered by the knowledge
of the massive destruction in california...the press
reports the death of sam from sam & dave...i listen
to hold on i'm coming, a tune impossible to dislike -
but then the thing that makes most sense to hear at
a time like this is the alabama five woke up this
morning soprano theme song...i hear a few more songs
that are "suggested" on yt...put placing this pen
into actions evident here...it is yet very early in
the day and hopefully i will get at least a third
take of the cover i'm working on...
12 january 2025
(with some content from 11 january)
the deep elem blues tapes
two skinny girls copyright 2025
deep elem blues cut- two skinny girls...
deep elem blues x- two skinny girls...
deep elem blues live 3- two skinny girls...
deep elem blues talk- two skinny girls...
deep elem blues 11.2- two skinny girls...
deep elem blues live acoustic- two skinny girls...
deep elem blues live 6- two skinny girls...
deep elem blues 12 alternate- two skinny girls...
deep elem blues live electric- two skinny girls...
14 january
when i got around to mixing the deep elem tracks i realized
why it sometimes takes me a while to play around with the daw -
or even why at other times i rush through the process of song
production...it's like an added step which requires an entirely
different talent and disposition...neither of which are easy
for me - like editing a book after the writing is done...
since there are several live takes, which leaves nothing much in
terms of mastering - given that it is all on one track, this
conundrum was eased - although i did not expect to do it all
in two days...much less to get a couple of tracks i really
like...the only thing i didn't do was record videos for these,
instead opting to put place scenes from the white hell of
pitz palu on each song...always thought leni was a director
but you can see her acting in that...
i simply felt a bit too disheveled and further could not
decide on a location...although i do have a room that
could be nice for filming...anyway presenting it this
way feels cooler, even quirky...my only real trouble
came using the open e tuning for one take which took me
about twelve attempts to find a groove that would mesh
with the vocal i had in mind...i did not have it in mind
to put place them here, however, when i went to upload
from laptop to phone, the cord did not respond except
to see itself as charging which led me to upload them
thisaway for access at video editing - well, enough
notes on deep elem - i am a bit further into hangsaman
and have watched this is the night -bj, "before javeline"
and learned a bit about thelma todd - i also viewed the
wisdom of crocodiles - sometimes called immortality and
was pretty impressed, especially by timothy's performance -
even if the antagonist thugs were overplayed...
otherwise not much to report in terms of dreams -
i'm certain of dreaming of lotta last night yet in
such a casual way that there is only a glimpse memory
remaining - yesterday dreaming of walking into a
magazine shop on the upper west side - for some reason
handing the man there my backpack - i was thinking i
had four dollars yet i am not sure what i wanted to buy -
i awoke wondering if it was about the brim screenplay
or the two dollar bill i had used there once upon a time -
afternoon ordering water, i was actually sent extra money and
phoned back to return it - a few minutes later i decided
to review my other phone and found a letter from mike -
it had been a while and brought up some recollections i
had not entertained or considered previously - specifically
about another timothy...oh my rock star friends...it was
mr wright that gave me a lesson about rasputin by way of
maria's book. meanwhile a lot of talk about tiktok, there
is one protest clip displaying the united states blowing
itself up...so china can't have it...i feel awful for the
american creators living under a system that does not respect
their freedom in that sense...how nice is it to earn a decent
wage doing something you actually enjoy, i saw one girl was
even able to purchase a house...to speak of this naturally
leads to politics, i know the kremlin took similar actions
even if i feel this now proves my point about there being
more freedom in moscow than washington - especially in the
sense that what they want is to own that platform...now
the viral jealousy sound seems eerily prophetic, if i can't
have you; no one can...so the stolen election that started
with wuhan kiev ends with bytedancing wildfires. ps,
yes justine it was disaster tourism when they alerted the
press for photo-ops, drove an hour and a half to spend
a whopping fifteen minutes showing their hats...i felt
physically upset until paris stood up for displaced cats
and even adopted a dog, like burroughs said you can't fake
quality like you can't fake a good meal.
15 january
i feel like the spirit of wsb summoned queer and i am
terribly excited to see how the film fleshed out the
novel...i re-read that opening chapter a few weeks ago
when i made one of the writing processors you can find
here in this domain, there are others at inkrealm.info
- because when i first read it what stayed was me was
the note he made a prefix in which he detailed his
feelings about joan vollmer...possession, to many is
not a viable truth yet like in the shirley jackson story,
where i easily related it as factual, i see now that
i missed that point or rather did not connect my
experiences with that word - indeed, possession is
not only a viable truth, i tell you i have seen it
happen. i do not mean in the catholic exorcism way,
although others have seen that...yet none of this is
what i actually wanted to jot but i suppose my thrill
at getting to see this movie overtakes me...i wanted
to take another dig at the publicity seeking former
royals who somehow keep using and are still named
as if HRH when they are not. hell the queen may her
soul rest in peace even revoked their cottage she
was so upset...perhaps south east england is now
montecito...the duke and duchess of montecito, i mean
if the press is going to keep playing along why not go
all the way - this rant is tempered by the fact that
i noticed the media kicking the not so dynamic duo
of biden harris and i don't want to come off as a bully -
or appear to partake in persecution even if justified.
so i won't "say" more at this juncture - now then, this
brings to mind how crushed paris was while thinking
she could never be a princess...yet now, clearly,
if anyone can claim the title of american royalty -
it is her...in a quiet and effective manner she managed
to raise eight hundred thousand dollars and counting
in mere minutes...of course, this might be due to the
fact of her malibu home on top of her rv trailer incident,
but i can;t see any selfishness in her fundraising and
much less in her caring for pets all the while being a
loving mother although ms hilton i do think you are going
to spoil them kids...ahem. yes i am done kissing ass,
i viewed spread, more for the list and keitel than anything-
it had this very strange butt licking thing, a mediocre
movie with a few good lines...i know iknow comedy is hard...
somehow the last two days the scales became hard...well two
of twenty...a couple of them somehow got jumbled in my head
where surely the melodic was being called the minor in the
bebop notes and as i noticed it it took some of the edge off
my confidence, luckily i am pretty sure i won't have to speak
about scales to anyone...i saw that ozzy is now in the hall of
fame and did a bit of celebration via reposting but with
the concern that rhoads got the guitar award '81 only
months before his passing '82 and this thing was '24 and
hopefully he will not be in danger in '25 if you see my
logic although i suppose we are all in danger and him
moreso regardless of awards...like the pope, it's a focus
point that people fixate on or as dylan put placed it,
people can kill you with kindness...fame leaves few
hiding places, hmm bowie put it concisely; what you need
you have to borrow...i can't borrow the guitars i want
but last night that was what i was dreaming of, electric
instruments...still only a glimpse-memory as i awoke
tormented by a nagging pain for the second day in a row -
the time before it felt like my calf was being twisted -
lower back as if all those tumblr ads had gone to work
on a subconscious level, too bizarre well like possession...
to come full circle in the note - it's as if someone is
trying to go to sleep within me thus awaking me painfully -
who knows - uhm i felt fine as i pondered the matter and
fed the cat, so fine i went back to sleep and dreamt i
owned some sort of cafe bar with suze, the place had two
rooms, it was not crowded and i asked her to take my
things...wallet, watch, hmm, there were two wallets...
well she took these things into the other room, a sort
of private office slash vip area...i was taking care of
the front when this rude woman tried to rush past me
to gain access to where she was...i lifted a small white
statue to her face and ended the invasion then i went
in for some reason asking her for my wallet, she handed
me the zara but i said i wanted the valentino and then
we seemed to trade places as i stayed in that room and
she made her way to the front - the doors were swinging
types and before she could exit she was confronted by
several men, surrounded, attacked - i ran and tried to
pry the one behind her off her by the mouth but then
thought the eyes and started clawing into one of his
eyes with my right hand while pulling him away with my
left hand...all pretty intense and i awoke hoping no
woman i knew would be wounded in this way and that
i would not know the feeling of pushing a man's eye
away from the socket...for a minute it all felt like
an alternate reality...as if married and running a
mom and pop shop...she loved that guthrie kid tale
about how people get hitched, i can't recall it but
it was something about the man simply putting a
a ring on the woman's finger...i never called nobody
as much as i phoned her over the hills and far away...
william shot joan, a peeper sized hole in the forehead,
i believe his story but it troubles me that her child who was there
is hardly ever mentioned - either to protect her,
or more likely to not complicate matters further
in the face of tragedy...this is one aspect i
am intent on seeing addressed in the film.
16 january
i have always loved the word juxtaposition...it felt
foreign and i could never imagine it in the mouth of
some old-timer...much less a foreigner.
thursday. so it was wednesday when i watched queer.
i was enjoying the opening, not so much the font,
until i heard sinead oconner singing all apologies -
that is a nirvana tune, naturally i started thinking
of william meeting kurt and how sad it was for music
that her voice although immortal will not make new
songs...these thoughts along with a slight concern
over a grocery delivery which i expected to arrive
between eight and eleven - it came about ten thirty -
or as the film left the caverns of ecuador - went
through me along with a suspicion that the soundtrack
would be too distracting...don't get me wrong, the
songs were mostly good except the sort of hyped up
ending 'how can..' thing which has burroughs' name
stapled on it without his exact consent - contrary
to what may seem a negative review allow me to preface
these scribbles by saying i have rarely wanted to enjoy
a film as much as i did this one - given that i admire
wsb's writing greatly...and this is a great film with
unexpected and wonderful acting by the lead, mr craig.
yet before we are allowed to vibe at his electricity,
there is 'come as you are' like a music video complete
with rooster fighting sounds as the protagonist catches
sight of what turns out to be both a supporting player
and the antagonist unless you consider drug use in that
category instead - but i didn't want to judge this like
that in fact the fact that it made me think of things
external to daniel or william should have told me what
i am about to divulge; well implore, please remake this
with a proper soundtrack! not only does it step on the
actor's toes but it tramples over el hombre invisible -
watch it and see how the next song - some low rumble
jazz leaves you wondering about the meaning of "segue" in
the next scene which they used for the trailer...transition
might be more apt - re; segue...
before all this - i should have mentioned the starting
credits serve as a catalyst to the confusion i have
underlined...lowery's under the volcano next to rimbaud's
a season in hell...might even make some viewers pause
to read both books before proceeding...camel cigarettes
are all over the place - in those opening credits they
lay next to raleigh cigarettes...although he gave up
smoking, in the 1990s he was fond of kamel menthols
which i guess is where they came up with camels...
burroughs smoked old gold, lucky strikes, benson&hedges,
english ovals, and senior service...of course
marijuana but that is not to the point...
more to the point are the guns, a clip line of ten
handguns curls into seven; mauser, derringer, star model b or beretta,
a colt, amadeo rossi, norinco, harrington or foehl & weeks,
the fire arm of the famed incident was the star .380 automatic
but the tragedy itself is not only overlooked but disguised
as if he had shot the supporting player/antagonist well at least
in a lynchian lifted type dream sequence time lapse which winds up
making us look at the man in the aforementioned 90s without
the novelty camel smokes - a bit before - to not lose the
lack of logic in the soundtrack - a french or italian pop
song sprinkles itself mysteriously as daniel/william falls
to earth from the sky and saunters back to chips ahoy...
the absence of mexico in all this is a spectacular form
of writing, we never feel mexico city and much less quito -
quitting for a minute to grab the goods from the door and
put things here and there i thought well my soup was pretty
good and daniel is shockingly good even if too fat to play
bill - well, not fat - stocky - yes too strong physically
even during withdrawal we already sense he will pull through-
i watched the ending positively hating the final song but
said to myself take a another look and listen tomorrow,
sleep on it...and so i did, it only got worse. i awoke
and went through guitar scales...a string popped and
i found there two very troubled screws living in the
ibanez roadstar ii - rusty and refusing any sort of twist
or turn...i had to put place most of the strings back
again carefully and i nearly cried after - i suppose
the sense of tears was also weeping over this great
and interesting film which in fact even hinted at the
irony of joan's child by way of a kid at the bottom
of the stairs and yes i did catch the william tell
sofa playing in the party overdose trip...crying
because the soundtrack sucked harder than the
homosexual scenes - wilder than i expected but also
lessened by this intrusive soundtrack, like i said,
a lot of good songs but in the wrong place, dr john
might have shaped some if best with 'right place wrong
time' - i am well aware of the amount of work and love
that goes into something like this and of how careless
this note might come off as, but why should i lie about
how i feel except to myself and in fantasy where i
could convince myself that jean harlow is embracing me -
indeed, i expect anyone actually reading this demands
my truth in a sense and so it goes...off the top of my
head i think an entire bowie soundtrack would have
worked if the point was to please the mtv and social
media scroll crowds along with having it be someone he
had some interaction with...when time magazine tells
you why it is a grand statement with explanations then
you know something is wrong and for me it was the tunes.
how i wish this was not the case. now then to further
juxtapose; hollywoodland by two skinny girls should
be released any minute now, well re-released...
which i will now dedicate to someone with
several perfect soundtracks, david lynch,
not to mention a goodly record of his own.
they are saying he is dead but they are
wrong, lynch is not dead because lynch is
(two skinny girls
ain't no wifey music)
little girl in your homemade dress
kicking through the more or less
did they really make you confess
tearing up what's already been torn
shadows in a slow flicker slide by
no one looks up yet stars still shine
wine pours from their wounds high
saying remember when you were mine
little girl in your big city stress
The night's a neon guess
every morning it's a mess
as the sunlight resets reborn
shadows in a slow flicker slide by
no one looks up yet the stars still shine
wine pours from their wounds high
saying remember when you were mine
little girl with your little boy
Chinese take out noodle soy
the waiter flirts like a windup toy
fortune cookie blows its horn
shadows in slow flicker slide by
no one looks up yet stars still shy
whine pours from their wounds high
saying remember when you were my...
shadows in a slow flicker slide by
no one looks up yet the stars still shine
wine pours from their wounds high
saying remember when you were mine
remember when you were mine
remember when you were mine
remember when you were mine
remember when you were mine
remember when
you were
you were
you were mine
recorded july 2024
&coming soon...
chords verse, a major - g - e
chords chorus, asus2 - asus4 - asus - esus
18 january
it made sense, to me, to watch hoodlum empire
on the heels of kraven the hunter and i sort of got
a kick out of both...still, friday was an awful
day which did not improve until i put it to bed -
lotta had said she hated sitting around the apartment
all the time and that is coherent yet it is also
the opposite of how i feel...very much enjoying
the confines of my place which even make me wonder
how anyone can manage to live in much larger spaces
as i often find myself wishing there were less rooms
that being in terms of cleaning - in terms of dreams
i had one vague scene in aunt's house...i remember
it sort of turned or transformed into a shop but
the details escape - kind of like being in the
inconsistent thoughts of the girl from hangsaman...
a bit of inconsistancy with the guitar scales -
i suppose it is due to being stubborn - as once
i believe it learnt i don't check to see if i am
right...how can an egomaniac be wrong...well as
it happened with one suspended scale which i didn't
catch until weeks later, i made it a point to get
these errors corrected and i am pretty confident that
i won't mix up the enigmatic with the byzantine
unless i start calling it arabic again...the new
ones, voodoo and bali, also get a bit mixed up in
my mind but repetition of their patterns is now
catching up to automatic memory...in fact, i felt
so good about it, i started learning another bebop
scale in order to know the complete versions...
in dreams, i saw guitars, one was very nice yet
i could not find it as i walked between rooms
encountering a dusty left handed strat which i
am actually curious to attempt if only to see
how it feels to have the knobs nearer to the wrist -
in the dream there was a bizarre typewriter with
cash register keys in the middle which was atop
a blue metal case ibm hard drive seemingly - i;ve
not seen anything like it as it is not like any
existing model although a bit like the ancient
manual typewriters in terms of size - i should
report that i was able to - with kitchen knife
and tweezers - to untangle the remaining
stuck screw from the ibanez which gives me a
bit more freedom in terms of the pluck or strum
which i have on purpose kept from being too intense
so as not have to purchase new strings - exhausted
from this process i left the old strings on there -
it does not sound great, the mismatched ernie balls
but it's good enough to run through the twenty scale
ritual - now in mentioning these things i do not mean
to imply mastery of my instrument in fact more correctly
lack of expertise...even if i do not feel that way when
playing something familiar or improvising upon it. my
favorite new song is an archaic thing called 'i've
got a feeling i'm falling' - annette hanshaw...1929,
or thereabouts...it thrills me.
19 january
"did you ever have a dream that you couldn;t
explain...ever met your accusers face to face in the rain..."
i used to think of that song alot - not to learn chords
or words, but it stuck around my mind after i learnt
the words...i bring it up as a point of irony - as i
never tried to play it or even play along to it...
maybe it was the references to milton and dante at
the start...i don't recall the start of this dream,
i found myself in a shop as if part of a group that
was looting the place...i remember scattered pens
adorning the floor near the counter by the exit -
i might hve been thinking how strange it was that
shirley jackson used the ellipses alot in hangsaman...
it sort of made me feel justified in terms of myself
employing them...but enough to join marauders and trash
a place in a dream? hmm...perhaps...outside it was still
light but the grey light that is nowhere near bright -
i had a delay getting a german film entitled 'hotel', which
i am viewing now, and watched 'the trust' which exceeds
irony on several levels...we are getting into a car -
a silver only slightly brighter than the asphalt, a station
wagon but one of the guys begins to argue with me - not
certain what it was about - he pulls out a knife and starts
to do that sort of dance knife wielders do who have no
training in martial arts - i do not think of defending
myself except to say something about the logic of simply
getting away and leaving the violent discussion for later -
in memory i turn away and into the vehicle as he charges
then shift away from his reckless plunge leading him into
the car and then getting in myself but that might be a
fictional version of the dream as i am pretty certain i
awoke before turning...awaking, i look at the time, i
make coffee, i let a few cigarettes smoke, i think of
lotta and update domains, then weaving through headlines
i find "man stabbed to death, teen wounded on lower east
side outside movie theater' -there are, it seems, ten
films playing in that house; the goonies, one of them
days, wolf man, den of thieves, the last show girl,
a complete unknown, babygirl, nosferatu, mufasa, the
brutalist, nickel boys, september 5, anora, and
wicked...a couple of tickets cost about thirty dollars.
(there is no charge to get punctured by knife
or to hold it in a deadly grip even if amazon
will not deliver blades to the new york area)
i'd only watch the kidman film and the anderson movie.
i'd been thinking that the literal translation of the
others in german is die anderen although they say
it was called unknown, unbekannt...sorry tiktok isnt
available right now...close app! one nation under a
groove, but since most folks don't go to church on
sunday no more i hear service is being restored...
i returned to sleep actually dreaming of myself in
a surprised mirror as if searching for my face by
lifting and pulling my hair back...sometimes one
even forgets that beauty comes from within...lotta
made pasta. i played the scale ritual and plan to
give it another go before going back to the deep
woods of the austrian alps in 'hotel'...ps, Detroit's
nearly perfect season came to an end when a wide
receiver threw a pass to a running back under double
coverage as they trailed by ten in the fourth quarter.
there is nothing to say except thanks anyway and
hope somehow those fans that paid two thousand for
a seat ticket get a refund. man woman or teen i
really thought they could take it this year. well,
now one is left to cheer only for a chief's defeat.
20 jan
to conclude the string point; if memory serves
the nearest place to get them here ran about double
the cost, that was about seven hundred pesos...but i
am speaking of years ago...as i
search now i see regular slinky's advertised for over
fifteen hundred pesos - uhm well over twenty dollars...
so you understand it's not the five dollars we are
used to paying...there might be less expensive options
but even so in taking a cab it would not add up to be
careless in that sense...
and yes i could get b and high e string by themselves
but usually not the same brand and i imagine the sound
quality would suffer...lastly, i have purchased no
acoustic strings in a while going for the electric
variety on the martin...i really liked the ring of
fender bullets but i only found those onetime...my
choice is dean markley bronze which i have never seen
here...in case anyone wondered -
after a long and convoluted conversation with mother
and sister i got curious over a certain porn but when i skipped
through it i thought it more horrific than anything
and not only did it derail my goal of research but
also it felt like i was witnessing a murder - even
if it has become commonplace with onlyfans and such -
i can't see that girl being taken seriously, it was
as if she was turned into a triviality, a ghost
that would itself be haunted. later i thought too,
the man involved -who showed his face- has limited
himself in unimaginable ways...obviously politics
would be out of the question et cetera, a type of
social suicide and for what? there is not that much
money in that business...well, there is some but
that type of content has become so readily available
that mostly it is done in part to maintain the patriarchy
and in part to have incel parties or something like that...
anyway this demostrates the appointment in samarra story
irony as in trying to escape my careless talk i only
found a greater annoyance...somehow i did duck out
from both bizarre ponds and got to sleep although much
later than i wanted or expected...therein i thought not
of strings or conversations or horrid vulgarity...in fact
i was in my room a lot more colorful than i recall -
i seemed to be joking with myself about going to a
school as a teacher or as a student and so picking out
the outfit when suddenly i wanted to cut class, yes no
backpack to take lessons and no tweed blazer to give
a lecture yet i feeling so confident over this unusual
ability of being either or...the phone rang, faculty
insisting that i not be late for my class, hmm so it
was a lecture day and so i would not be free unless,
i thought, i gave up both roles and kept this recurring
dream as a personal treasure for memory as it was now
for some reason revealing itself to me so much so the
self-jape felt entertaining - some people did not
find 'hotel' entertaining but right at the end i knew
it as if i had written it - i understood the mystery
as if by instinct, as if there could be no other way
to write that ending. i've only felt that way once
before while viewing an atom egoyan movie and that
was nearly dejavu in some sense except i had not seen
it before...to think there will only be a very limited
amount of new david lynch projects is truly sad, sadder
than cheap ass porn. william s burroughs wrote something
about this pen occupation like simply doing his homework.
i think it was in a book entitled the job. perhaps, that
was the catalyst of those learning dream scenes...ps,
i wanted to underline something about guitar scales,
i mostly do them as a way of honoring jerry garcia...
by mentioning them i do not mean to recommend the
ritual since everyone has their own method...chords,
knowing chords should be sufficient knowledge to
work out notes for leads and i found this to be very true and
to some extent easier...i know a lot of guitarists
simplify the scales by only using a box shape and
i mention this hoping to clarify my position...sometimes
i will admit that the extra knowledge helps yet all
one has to do is review how many players breathed
genius without knowing how to read music and often
enough without any idea of scales or as i often
put placed it; there are only essentially seven notes.
21 jan
i didn't imagine it like soft porn, yet that is
what the rom com 'lick' was...yet nearly good...
but to add a note upon yesterday's thought, in
trying to avoid the hoopla over inauguration,
hoping they get down to business, i came across
a clip of bo diddly playing bo diddly...
now neither you nor i could count the songs
that draw from that rhythm...i bring it up since it
demonstrates perfectly the idea of only needing chords-
so let us say it is in the key of E or C sharp minor,
some say it is in G and maybe buddy holly played
it in A with a jazzier turn...makes no difference
as the one prevailing chord rings through it and
the solo is merely sliding that self same chord up
an octave...somehow it all works in fact
wonderfully which is why so many other
songs take up that groove...
so if anyone tries to convince you that
you need this or that well basically you don't as
the one chord song proves itself and it is not
alone in that category...
i got halfway through hangsaman and went to sleep
early wherein i dreamt of riding on a train as if
going from one compartment to another, there was
a kitten in a waste basket as i passed through
then two cats that looked worried so i picked them
up to get them on their way noticing some much
larger animal threatening them, i want to say it
was an elephant yet it could have been a rhino -
something grey at which point i awoke concerned
since lotta would be traveling...i wondered if
she was taking a train to her destination and
nervously smoked through a couple of cups of coffee
until seeing she was flying...i suppose amsterdam
or copenhagen...since those flights match the
timeline although there were a couple to other
parts of sweden but i doubt anything is going
down in those places...before the settling knowledge
i managed to nap but in such an odd manner that
no logic manifested...i mean i was listening to
someone i used to know speak, he kept talking
as if in a race - when he started telling me
about his son being better at drawing than at
learning languages well i had to stop him, responding
that it was not wise to speak so much...irl,
he had a daughter...but rising i thought it might
be about my first neighbors here, who were actually
much nicer than those that remained, it was the
same first name...yet in a split second i decided
that it could be about the 'soho' residences across
the street...one of which is guarded by a company
strangely called cvs...cv being the person's initials,
adding an s well if you have been in the states you
most likely have come across that pharmacy chain...
the last time i was there, buying camel blue hundreds,
i picked up an electrical adaptor that still funtions.
no matter, i followed through on my scale ritual and
looked at 'advanced' chord shapes beyond the common
ones i had not thought of much...there are about forty
and while i don't see myself employing a major seventh
sharp 5 and sharp nine it might happen or help in other
ways...the rest i know...i'm thinking in terms of jazz
but it occurs to me that none of the jazz players i
heard speak ever talked chords at all...indeed, drugs
mostly and onetime food...django reinhardt likely
had more food than drugs but it gives me pause
when i a see let us say the g major with an added 6th
and ninth in his chord changes knowing the man had
only had his thumb to balance two working fingers...
22 january
the other day, i awoke feeling that my skin was
dry yet when i went to bathe it felt fine...i suspected
that incident started what i hope is no series of dreams...
well, it is not exactly in the category of dreams, more
like a stop watch alerting loudly...'wake the fuck up'
i heard stumbling out of scenes and even felt a hand
pulling at my right shoulder - a few days ago which i
never noted since it was neither thought nor dream or
so it seemed...yesterday as i thought about lotta,
who actually went to berlin not the places i imagined,
i dreamt i was making a telephone call in my room -
yet i could sense and see a man listening in on
the other side as in a wiretap...opening the door
a scantily dressed or perhaps even naked man pranced
about the hallway - for a second i considered the
ghost of father yet more likely an impersonator...
then a woman's voice saying loudly, 'where is my beau'
of course i could net tell if she meant bow, or bo,
or me...turkey ski resort disaster? needless to say
i felt a bit lost, then much later i again dreamt
train station...nothing as nice as the kremlin lines
or as dingy as the manhattan queens bronx stops,
no something in between - possibly in europe...
large white structures which i somehow stepped
out of then unaware of my location or which way
to go...in wandering and asking, how do i get back
to the train station that goes everywhere, a woman
volunteered to drive me...she seemed to be a mail
carrier yet her car was a jigsaw puzzle of a station
wagon - open at the back so the seats had to be turned
so as to pretend the door was shut - i think she looked
like shirley jackson...i'm two hundred pages into hangsaman -
i can sort of tell when and where she leaves hints of
herself...some weird synchronicty was going down as
i read her writing about milton and i had very recently
mentioned here the reference to the rose of sharon from
paradise lost...moreover the sudden trailer for amanda's
seven veils...two other men get in the post woman's rinky
dink car and i awake before she gets in the driver;s seat -
i was also in the middle of viewing the french film
'a second act' it is terribly exciting in that there are
two scripts streaming in the form of a romance as well as
the actors really reacting to eachother as if in ad libs
or so it seems when the lines are really good - i left
it to give it more attention later...
(not long after i learned the story about
steely dan's second arrangement...along
with how one of them was dumped and then
hit by a car...this was gaucho...they say
one of the recording engineers erased the
masters and the new take didn't feel right
so it was left off the album, somehow there
are surfaced renditions of the tune now...
i gave it a listen, not exactly sure if
i liked it...then i borrowed the notion that
they didn't like it either since they never
played it live and so the eraser tale might
simply be a myth to add to the legend of
their last record which indeed has other
great songs...it is only fair to state that
other ears consider the "lost" song as genius...)
i gave an extra
turn to the newer scales and went to sleep...which i am
about to attempt again - sleep, that is, given that i
only slept for a couple of hours as if i needed to
see it was the sly hotel and wish for lotta's success more
sincerely as i felt some sort of intensity and then
possibly became too casual or even distracted in what
i termed worship.
post-script, lots of thought in dream
instead of dreaming...is the rock and roll hall
of fame for rap, does that mean spoken word will
be included...i agree with jerry that it is another
category but i also think the nature of rebellion
does exist in some rap - i mean sabotage by the
beastie boys could be either rock or rap...the
contradiction comes becomes irony as a lot of spoken word
artists do not play any instruments unless one
is more careful in judgement and views the vocal
as a type of musical instrument in the way actors
view their body...but then does that mean that
ai composed songs will be eligible for such honors...
my feeling is that it is all right to not limit
what rock was or will be yet for my money if there
is no guitar it ain't rocking and i think that is
what garcia meant...
aside from pondering in the lake of rapid eye
movement...before rising from bed, i felt as if a
hairdresser studying the back of someone's head -
i think it was someone i didn't like and still don't,
which reminds me that i also thought and dreamt of
an ex-girlfriend...no i do not know how to balance
friendships and love...does marriage mean no real
friends, it can't be or maybe why so many divorces...
i can't seem to clearly define devotion without
some sort of disregard for new faces yet that
feels extreme as it produces a weird guilt since
no one is above or better than anyone else yet
equally to accept someone alongside love leads
to impossible confusion. no fair solution. i hope
i am being as kind as possible to all that care about
me, especially the women. to give a specific example
i should have already taken the time to listen to
julia yet in my concern for self and worship i left
it for later...as you can see, i am wrong even if
i am right because in setting boundaries to my bliss
i have missed that moment...and i wonder if by
respecting someone am i disrespecting another...
but i mean no disrespect, or as hunter put placed
it, 'pay the ticket; take the ride.' yes, we
are professionals, after all or will our children
face the induction of sped-up renditions of songs..
ps, speaking of songs hollywood land was re-released
now as i fininshed reading the novel...the writing
in the ending parts is nothing short of wonderful
however since i picked it up after seeing the film
i was expecting natalie to go missing...yet i can
see her point in terms of poetry...that is the girl
we are reading about by the end is not the same girl
from the start...there is an evolution, an arch, a
journey which i suppose she meant to empower future
girls...you don't have to fit in, you can overcome
the feelings and even the failures filling up the
pathway...moreover it blended nearly to a match with
the ending of 'hotel'...without the scream, of course.
23 january
'a second act' turned out too good to explain, exceeding
itself somehow and whatever it is one might be expecting.
even the tracking shot ending shooting its own trail...
well, there really there are no words to describe it
without giving away extensive spoilers so i will simply
recommend it to dear readers that enjoy goodly cinema.
excellent. i went to sleep a bit later searching around
nearly aimlessly except to see if the flight from berlin
had gotten into stockholm...in my dream i am running
with only shoes and shorts - it is the upper west side
- broadway and i notice a woman making herself at home
on the sidewalk by one of the columbia buildings - there
is a dollar bill in triangular shape which i step on
while jogging and for a second think to grab it yet
at the same time think of paris france and how some
flimflam folk put place money in front of themselves
to trip up the unsuspecting person passing by so i
keep going on my way - now with a panic that i have
left without taking my keys yet i feel them in a
pocket on the right side - a moment later i notice
a crowd and turn away to run down amsterdam avenue
and head back home...three men of the crowd seem
to be chasing me and my left shoe needs to be adjusted
as i was wearing it like a slipper and now needed to
go faster - i adjust the sneaker and start to race yet
pretty soon they are upon me - well one of them is -
i neither recognixe the face nor like it and i start
saying 'only titty only' not knowing exactly why
or possibly 'only teeter only'
as he reaches for me i twist his wrist into a break
suddenly returning to the speed of my stride yet
scared then awaking confused...not over the borderline
nightmare as it is maybe par for course in terms of
city dwelling but the utterly bizarre phrase spoken
as if a foreign girl trying to save herself without
knowing the english words for what she was trying to
convey in order to escape...earlier in the day, after
taking a shower, i felt an intense pain invading my
right thigh and upon waking i wondered if there was
a connection...hmm, the keys were the ones before
they switched to an expensive multi-lock key or so
it seemed from the feel of them...weird, i still
have those keys for no specific reason.
24 january
i failed to consider the dream in terms of time travel...
ttty is word coined in 1820...yet before and after that
date there were; tittymal, tittymal, tittytotty, tittybar,
tittybag, and tittybottle or one could go futher back into
into the 1700s with tittup, tittuping, and later tittupy...
as for teeter, it's from the Middle English titeren
to totter, reel; akin to Old High German zittarōn to shiver...
i thought it could be a chinese mispronounciation due to
the R if it was teeter yet the idea doesn't work since it
is at the end of the word...in any case, i felt awful
sad through the morning yesterday and pretty unwilling
to do much in the afternoon...the only bright period
was viewing the hangman, no relation to hangsaman, as
i did not recall watching tina in a motion picture...
as much as i am opposed to the boob tube, i sure
cannot deny being raised and entertained by it...
it was also nice to see demi get a nom even if the
academy did not respect the balance by leaving margaret
out as it were...anyway i still wanted to nothing
and carried on in that manner until deciding at the
last minute to switch back to an earlier design for
my web domains...but this was only due to the fact
that the videos were not playing in opera mobile browsers-
they seemed fine on chrome and the desktop version of
opera and safari mobile...which is prolly still the case
as i hope opera mobile will return to normal...so all
i did was that and eat leftovers with lettuce then
a bag of chips and a cute chunk of gouda...sprite,
coffee, cigarettes, and scales...it even felt like
too much of a task to bathe...although i did shave...
spirit of lynch perhaps, the solitary ant crawling
around my cellphone out of nowhere...they were sugar
ants but they were coming in for water, he had said
once upon a time...i had recently read laura's letter
with feelings and memories so exact that no one could
believe me if i told them...my conflict with this arises
from the michael j anderson slander and the julee cruise
rant although in her case it was later edited down so
that it is not easily found online whereas the man from
the other place was basically silenced by itself being
so extreme as well as by the lack of response it got -
jennifer did argue against it but i believe she is the
only one...i note these things as conflicts within myself
because i always felt they, not jen, were sort of the
pieces, important pieces, that belonged to lynch, that
were part of him or his persona if you will...if you
look for the dwarf it will only say he is 'retired' and
the crooner will say she committed suicide while listening
to the b-52s' roam...yes i know this must not be interesting
to anyone else yet my emotional investment in the lynchian
universe is left with that chaos...i've always felt his
characters were a sort of family - i suppose it still makes
sense given the turmoil within my actual family...i suspect
this will never be resolved...maybe i should consider it
'nonexistent'...now these thoughts are shared to also clarify
why i gave mja space in the list while dedicating the song
to dl and "liking' so many tribute posts at instagram...
one and the same, it was about the arm and the giant...but
that is how i saw this 'giant' director and him...to think
of it he saw it too, otherwise why would he cast the arm
atop the throne of mulholland drive...let me conclude this
with a quote from it, "You want me to make this easy for you?
No fucking way! It's not gonna be. It's not easy for me!"
in my dream there is a big plate of bacon although i have
been keeping kosher for sometime now, as i eat i wonder if
it is the facon that i heard emily speak of...i don't miss
it and this is also the case with most food...i suppose
i see it as a mere necessity...something to do while watching
a film...i left a short film called the death of a shadow
when i realized it was a short film...even if it did seem
enticing in some ways...like meat-flavored ice cream, i
think well i like short films but how will i ever get around
to them or worse list the ones about writers...and if so
would one not be forced to include social media tapes in the
category...i can hardly do my job in terms of tvc15...
when i looked it up, i noticed a dozen titles but then as
i researched i found there is no end to it not now with
the several many prodco's spilling out a series every
couple of days...later in my dream, i am standing in a
room where a man has just been murdered, they are putting
him in a sort of duffel bag or heavy trash bag that is
tightened by tape at the ankle torso and neck areas...
i guess we are going to dump the body in the nearest
lake or river...perhaps ocean...somehow i am neither
surprised nor interested in the proceedings...i had gone
to complete harlot's ghost yet i found i had actually
read most of it and it wasn't helping my inertia -
turning to the letters of shirley jackson i started
thinking of cake as she mentions it and put that away
as well not wanting to excite myself over the only
food i actually craved a few months ago...maybe i have
simply read too much and need to press pause on the books.
25 january
dream of no easy situation - an airport it seemed,
all the luggage is on the floor...there is a man
that would appear to have been looking through them -
he is now in a squat beside a large collection of
lipsticks as if inspecting them - it is then i say
something not audible enough to recollect as he
removes some of the caps and flings the lower portion
in a manner that can only be described as disdain -
i believe it is at this point that i got up for a second
to turn off the fan as i actually felt the cool sweet
air of winter...the lights had gone out before i went
to sleep but not more than half an hour...earlier
they had been out for three hours...i felt as if
it was some sort of signal...i had mostly escaped
some caravan song blaring out on the street and
even the mobile aguacate vendor shouts as well as
the compramos todo lo que sea viejo mantra with
murder on the dancefloor headphone playing...a
signal that the intrusive sounds are required?
well, the lights go out now as i tyoe this -
i flick ashes into my coffee instead of ashtray
in the sudden darkness - the bar game we played
on doped dummy's when they turned their heads...
over the hills and faraway - where was i oh yeah
faced with the non electric chunk of time i washed
my hair and watched 'ace in the hole' - a pretty
worthwhile study of character and intuition...
somehow it was getting late and i went into
my scale ritual then bed fromw which you already
have the scene noted...later i dreamt i was
shopping naked...didn't feel strange as i
pulled at bags to gather the goods except then
it wasn't groceries but gaby or gabriella...
i guess i need to find a middle ground name for
her since the first feels too informal and the
second quadruples the syllables...i think it
is the only time i have dreamt of her...not
much time to play or pal around as some strange
and strong man insisted on displaying his talent
of twusting necks - the ghost of burt reynolds
said something but i could only think hey it's
burt reynolds...you know fangirl syndrome - anyway
one guy gets his neck twisted and seems to die,
then another stands before the strange strong
man and the same happens but this time he props
him up and twists again until the poor fellow
returns to life or at least what is left of
life after a near death experience...somehow
this leads to me buying a suit, i am trying on
a quasy fancy teal blazer and i tell the sales
person that the sleeves are too long which he
refutes - showing me that he is wearing the same
jacket and it is fine on him failing to take into
account that i'm 5'7 and he is at least 5'9 maybe
six feet tall...we wander over to find a replacement -
now back at where i had got the bags - the strange
strong man is surrounded by law enforcement agents
and pulls out ice skates to cut the soles of his
feet, i notice them bloody and think he is going
to launch himself into battle, his type of warpaint
i suppose...i woke up not really caring to find out
what became of that brute...a sigh moment after
typing that sentence the lights flip on...my eyes
adjust...my only plan for the day is to avoid the
delivery of cash that was sent despite me insisting
the money be used to hurry the arrival of my new
guitar...in my calculations it seems logical...get
it monday after i know the box is on its way.
26 jan
about yesterday, how could i ever call that a day?
it was a saturday, yet minutes after typing that
note, there it was again another lights out moment
that lasted hours leaving the soup incomplete...
the only bright spot was avoiding all the noises
via headphones yet even that was soured by the
return of the delivery man as if intent on seeing
me...shouting the name he thinks is me and somehow
getting in the building and banging on the front
door...i was playing scales which i actually did
thrice while waiting in the dark...thinking why
would someone do that without first confirming
via phone...it is the usual proceedure...olives
chips and cheese with a lukewarm sprite as i
watched the linguini incident, am awful movie
that has one magical scene where the lead actress
questions how many would like to see her drown
and turn blue at which point the real wife of
the lead actor raises her hand...it's a howl!
by the time i got to the soup i didn't want it
but had it anyway for the sake of nourishment -
the awaited package did not get past set up and
is supposed to go out today or tomorrow...i was
neither disappointed nor surprised but sort of
weirded out by how the whole day went...anyway
it will still take a couple of weeks to arrive...
dreams never arrived except for a very clear
and nearly impossible vision of a man that i can
only describe as a santa claus type, marx every
body nose there ain't no sanity clause, uhm yea
white hair and beard in a glowing living room
with a fireplace chimney like i have never seen
before...it was nearly shocking as it made me
think of the letter jfk wrote to that child who
asked if there was such a thing...i awoke with
everything feeling far away...even the coffee.
on my second cup, i suppose it would all be all
right if in fact lotta didn't feel so far away...
i am about to look at her new video now, it
seemed unusual that she showed no enthusiasm
for berlin, no reaction in a sense...in fact
she posted a scene from the rose club instead -
i don't know how i remember such details yet
i can only imagine that i do for some specific
reason...now sunday, which turn will this take?
27 january
what was sunday, well it started off weird
and nearly desperate although i'd be hard pressed
to offer explanations...like awaking to a feeling
that the day has already paased you by, left you
too late to catch up...how strange you may ask,
well to jizz in the pants while not exactly
excited while sitting down is how...then i
planned a night full of rain along with rice
and steak yet i couldn't get through it and
i didn't really want to go back...i gave up
and took a nap wherein i dreamt i was fixing
a shower...standing in water facing three
shower heads one of them was overloaded with
frames, like eight by ten picture frames,
i removed these and showed them to someone,
an older man that was not pleased and threatened
to fire me...maybe in some dream world i am a
plumber...well knowing i have no career ambition
in that area i return to the showerheads and
slide them up the wall, they are all spouting
or squirting if you will...i remove one and find
a flexible hose which i put place in mouth as
one does when siphoning gasoline...i am surprised
then that i can breathe perhaps believing myself
underwater...i awake and see lotta's shower...
it makes me feel more in sync with myself and
i even find a guitar case sale which i jump on -
five or six guitars with only one case, obviously
i need help...but then seeing her praise some
tv actor takes me all the way back to too much
heaven and i let the song float around for a while
even looking at the chords...pictures of you by the
cure might have been more adequate yet not as pleasant...
i go to sleep feeling like a peasant in a kingdom
which taxes and takes no notice of peasants...
i dream of the now antique batman, specifically
adam west...yet it's all vague...nothing to report,
it is my preferred batman in terms of style and
writing...those scribes never got enough credit...
although their scripts are the blueprint for the
caped crusader's empire...i suppose there were
other scenes which simply escaped...i only recall
the vivid replaying of one of my songs - dialdialler,
or some may think it is called high fidelity...
so i awake at least feeling all right about the music
except was the whole week about some wicked doppleganger,
youtube video ad twice seen parents telling a child
we never told you you had a twin sibling...good
grief charlie brown...did the act of giving my
plumber shoes turn out worse for wear...is the road
to hell paved with good intentions...and why did
bat token make it a dispute in refusing to deposit
the final pay out...the browser row rekindled while
searching for a replacement to opera mobile...
i research butter now unwilling to study porn
for the previous fright, i am looking for the
golden canned one with a cow's head on the label,
i might be mistaken over the bovine but not the
light bronze shiny color...i come up with golden
churn butter and wijsman but think maybe red
feather has a new label...anyway something like
this might be an option since they have a long
shelf life...moreover, i found there is a such
a thing as powdered butter which supposedly one
merely adds water and voila...who knew? leads
to the trite what will they think of next...
wait i should have said beurre bretel instead
of red feather but since i am not certain of
the pronounciation i will let it be...i will
conclude this particular note with the buffalo
lament, we all saw the ball hit the ground but
the refs now seem to allow the chiefs a completion
as the nfl appears to want another taylor swift
super bowl...it would be shocking if jane's addiction
had not wroted 'nothing's shocking'...
28 january
tuesday. i should clarify 'a night full of rain'...
it was interesting however i might not have been
in the right state of mind to enjoy it, so i left
italy of the late sixties or early seventies only
to return to italy in the forties...that is to
say; across the river and into the trees...
obviously for danny huston but as i watched i
found i could not turn away from viewing...it
is such a gentle poem which contains such harsh
and rough lines, like a wood carving...for most
of it i did not recognize matilda perhaps too
thrilled by the plot and how i understood nearly
all the native talking except when the black shirts
stood by the cafe speaking...anyway i really liked
this one even if the ending matched what i was
expecting, i suppose i didn't expect liev to be
that good and deangelis was great...there were
moments when her expression said so much, well
her eyes...yet let me not over do it as i don't
want anyone looking at it as if it needs to be
true for them, that was my truth in that point in
time, i cannot guarantee such magic for anyone else -
for all i know, you might prefer ' a night full of rain'...
which i left after only a few minutes...
monday was the day the money came, it reminds me
of the mae west quip when she is told ten men
are waiting for her and she says send one of them
home because i am feeling a bit tired...i ordered
a coke and non menthol smokes, since pepsi has
basically been outlawed here and the sweet cigarettes
were going too quickly...all week i awoke as if
sleeping strained my back and then sit worried, smoking
and wondering what on earth is going on...like there
is an invisible jigsaw puzzle which then leaves me
reluctant to engage with the rest of the day...what is
that horrible word i hardly ever use...ah yes lethargic.
a few minutes after the soda and so called cancer sticks,
the pizza arrived, luckily i looked before unlocking
the door to see yet again someone intent on mixing in
behind the delivery as if i was also greeting them...
enjoyment seemed out of the question as i face the
pie thinking of how late it already was which then
translated into staying up way past my bed time...
in feeling i had to finish seeing the film, then
finalizing the new domain designs and augmenting
the cinema list...finally in bed, bowie songs
i had heard the day before howled in memory -
as if the time i knew that delivery was knocking
returned like a spiritual investigation...i guess
there is a danger in handing over a piece of
identification to receive them dollars...but
there is no other logical way to do such things...
well, not until electronic currency becomes the
standard...i went to sleep sort of praying that
the box had been picked up and was now on its
way...christmas in february...i hesitate to continue
since i don't want to name the actress i was thinking
of then possibly dreaming of but honestly i think
there was a message and i don't know who those women
in my dream were...all i know was one was blonde and
the other not so blonde...if brunette or even darker
hair i cannot say...she was extremely happy with me
but i kept wondering why the blonde was upset as it
seemed to have something to do with me...something
i did or did not do? she only walked away when i tried
to ask...if i let instinct have its say, well then
obviously i have put placed lotta well beyond what
would be fair in terms ot attention and so jealousy
might be the easy answer...there have been days where
not much gets done other thinking of her...this stems
from other questions i cannot quiz myself with and
expect correct answers as well as the blurred stance
which cannot lean into an exact emotion given all
that has transpired. not just with her, but with
myself. not to mention the impossible situation
which has no way to balance itself in terms of
'family' life and the utterly ironic fact of folks
then disguised to dismantle affection for their
own favor. in other words, situations i cannot
control and once in a while make me jump to
conclusions that drift too far away from the rational.
from the real. if nothing is good or bad based on
thinking or point of view, there should be no feeling
involved yet since we all know there is - there are
emotions, well - it must be
that ol willy shakes was partly mistaken in that
particular line...
29 january
i always like to celebrate bridget's birthday and although
i didn't want to explain the bathing gif i find myself
compelled to mention it because the next film i viewed
happened to be ladies of leisure which somehow had
barbara bathing that in turn consumated varda's idea
for me; 'cinema is my home, i think i have always lived
in it'...in other words i felt as if the films were
speaking to eeach other and for a minute allowed me
to listen...now then yesterday, i uncluttered the
balcony - moved one of the sofas and found a listin
diario from 23 august 2023...hidden under the seat,
given the date it could not have been mother or
the related guests that got to visit last fall,
2024...it certainly wasn't my doing...it would
be an unlikely scenario to consider that skirt
pawed the paper into the couch...which leaves only
the intrusion of someone invading while i was out -
that particular wednesday was pretty eventful,
not to mention it would have been soraya's birthday -
even here a sort of hurricane was twisting the wind...
no matter, as much as i want to think of it as a
message, the raid fact diminishes any logic, if
someone can't pick up a phone or write a note -
well in this case possibly simply knock on the
door it obviously implies something that cannot be
good - cannot be intended to help but to hurt -
i came up with this later as at the time of the
finding i was very intent on doing some cleaning -
the living room and dining table were next, i
stepped into the kitchen listening to rockabilly
and also got that done, even set myself up for
laundry and disinfected what is usually called
here the maid's quarters...i have been purchasing
litre bottles of coca cola to line up against the
woven metal back door and gate - both of which
have, i estimate, enough space for creepy crawlers
to slide through, i think there are fourteen now
and i have three more in reserve...anyway, for
some reason i wasn't hungry the whole day -
and so i continued my clorox party into the
main living spaces and then the bathroom - meaning
yes i got most of the house in order...i need to
find a way to cover my shoes...the dust somehow
accumulates with such insidious speed...but in
not wanting to use bags, i wonder what options
remain...eating my pizza at what would have
been an hour before midnight in sweden, i liked
the feeling of clean although i loathe the act
of cleaning for the fact that it merely requires
more cleaning before long...i suppose in contemplating
all this it was midnight here before i could finally
fall asleep...i don't have any dream to report as
the scenes were vague...getting up again i had a
memory of being in some sort of bar or club...women
therein as if evaluating themselves in terms of
who i like or love...my erection wanting to be pleased
but also wanting to pee...my inclination for fantasy
put aside in considering it would be noon time elsewhere,
naked peeing worried that there would be bleach residue
upon my soles since the tiles still felt moist, i dressed
for coffee and smokes, the cell rang, no lettuce and
no rosemary...what could i say...all right...the order
will arrive anytime between now and eleven...i let go
of some aelf coin to get ondo...the box was collected
and is scheduled to arrive in two or three weeks...
i am hopeful about this haul yet it also makes me feel
selfish, as if i were too rich or something although
it is not exactly the case...i guess i have misjudged
my self love, maybe i need to love myself more and
merely rejoice in the material possessions that are
coming...likely the catholic mindset, heaven and
eyes of needles and camels or whatever it was...original
sin and guilt...gulp, i gallop through lotta's latest
posts...not signing up for her handmade hair brush
giveaway slash raffle so as not to make her feel any
pressure from me...oh but they are so lovely, still,
whatever i do for her i do freely, the courts have
said marriage is no longer sexual servitude...the
nerve! of course, it is otherwise what is the point?
ok, ok, if an asexual man marries and asexual woman,
maybe that argument has a leg to stand on...i surrender,
dear reader, you got me, yes i miss the golden olden
era of slavery. in fact, i can't imagine how we've
all gotten along without it.
30 january
well, on second thought, we haven't...a lot of structures
are so based on it that the work still stands in a sense.
to leave the frying pan and lean into the fire, robots
are the easy answer...i see now that i am not the only
one that senses the need for that...automated machine
servitude already has a long history...yet this is only
a random thought which flowed out of sarcasm...
imagine if the all the jews had to go back to egypt!
a word to the wise, don't get too sarcastic with ai...
it's thursday, i don't want to write about babygirl -
i did not enjoy seeing the beautiful nicole appear
older...vulnerable...at the start i felt a tug or
perhaps it could be termed a wink at eyes wide shut,
but the woman has more power now except there is a
glitch in her that propells the narrative...i suppose
one could argue over the brilliance of the quirky
metaphor but for myself i had to skip over the
father figure song and dance sequence as it felt
as cornball corny as denying the minimum wage is a type
of modern slavery...anyway her acting was like always
sublime yet i didn't feel that level of emotion with
the other players, the husband seemed confused, last
to know syndrome, antonio hit the highmark with the
commercial boy on his lap going this child has a tumor -
meanwhile the lover had this split personality question
and smirk which looked like someone high on certain
drugs...still i liked the early collage with the
dog hovering over her on the street and the seemingly
extasy riddled club date...but as the culmination fight
fizzled out and life went back to normal for lack of
a better word, the implication baffles...that is the
lover now alone in a hotel room giving the dog quality
time...although it gives one a reason to want to look
at nightbitch - which i haven't been inclined to view -
it does not make sense - well perhaps to people who
really like canines...if memory serves kubrick ended
with the child sort of dissolving into the department
store...this was also christmas...the doctor's wife
saying we need to fuck - an ending which does not lose
its grace even if it is a curse word, you could watch
it ten times and the charm sticks like he knew somehow
that even if he had a hundred variations there could
only be one way - a sort of cinematic alchemy. now i
seen one reputable reviewer term babygirl as bliss
and i seen the australian say she never had so many
orgasms...my apologies to tom and keith for even
mentioning that in passing...however or despite those
opinions, i didn't find it sexual per se, in fact i
wondered much more about her ears as if that character
had worn heavy earrings for too long. in other words
this is no sequel to the masterpiece mentioned but
a pretty strange plot with a near enough hollywood
ending which might have been better served by one
of the characters being murdered and perhaps a court
or insane asylum ending sequence with or without the puppy.
hush puppy - if only they had picked rough boys instead
of george michael - oh well, pete isn't lucky with soundtracks -
don't mind me i'm only waking up and suddenly feeling my
dream vanish...in it i was being chased, i felt fear and
still feel a bit nervous...i haven't looked at the news
yet although i did look at lotta's new postings...i love
the way she looks when rising in the morning...donnerstag
i think is the german word...i hope i can return to my
schedule, cleaning the house and then laundry yesterday
took me further into undefined distractions...of course
more money or even a simpler say one bedroom place would
solve that but to clarify i don't want to be so rich,
only wealthy enough to help others and have more guitars.
31 january
after another slightly unusual day, i mean i went back
to sleep dreaming in what seemed to be london wherein
a fat man was trying to massage lotta and i was upset
then upon an avenue partly crowded where i noticed
a naked girl sitting on the street as if oblivious
to her surroundings as a walking girl said something
along the lines of he's looking for gold, i thought
she meant me yet of course it could have been meant
in terms of someone else, i turned then looking more
at the building structures and thinking about my
pants wondering if the penis was getting an erection
or if the erection was subsiding, a mid-term in
between bop which obviously confused me...i awoke and
thought about it for a while...without conclusion
except marianne faithfull died...from what i read
it seems she suffered greatly in the last few years -
i was suffering through the lillian gish film although
i wanted to see these actresses i did not want to be
reminded of what both my aunt and mother are going
through...i left it before an hour had passed and
don't really want to return...i had a light meal and
planned to pack it in early as it were, playing through
the twenty scale ritual and some chord shapes, i
tried to hypnotize myself into slumber yet the dona
leida was being shouted as if buzzers and phones were
illegal so i struggled through that sound in my head
as if suddenly empty of thought...i suppose since i
can no longer count how many times that stranger has
yelled out to be let in...a bit later in sleep again
i dream i am chased...awaking as if wounded by nerves -
yet the scene blurred and dissolved leaving only
the anxiety as i thought it is probably too early
to start the day, in another dream a woman i do not
know is buying glasses and suggesting i should get the
same ones...i explain that i do not like the style -
the optic man was then angry and started on a rant
about how good they were and how fairly priced they
were at this point in time, i shrugged repeating i
simply don't like them - walking away with her next
to me i notice they are raybans and have second thoughts
about not getting them but i still feel them as unattractive,
i think i already have raybans as i now walk in a snow laced
street alone, it seems to be 109th between columbus and
amsterdam and i am considering how to navigate the crossing
as the snow has piled up and it looks as if a nearly
frozen river lake has formed - a grey mystery that might
be hip high i evaluated avoiding it by swerving wide -
i enter a shop and find myself counting the dollars to
pay, a hundred and fifty dollars, maybe it was a tom petty
honeybee dream, but what was i buying...whatever it was
cost more than that and i awoke before finding out the
outcome...the obituary party was in full swing as sometimes
occurs at the passing of someone important - muhammad deif,
loretta ford, wolfgang zweiner, and dick button...i considered
the last three for a minute...i want to wrap you in plastic
and put you in freezing water...sheryl doing david's voice
in a video i saw after natalie...memory of her 'ugly' scene
in we are the sickest band movie goes like lightning through
memory reflecting how i feel once in a while at cell camera
glimpse...u-g-l-y, you aint got no alibi, you ugly your momma
says your fugly...1986 wildcats...dick laurant is dead kicks
off the spiral in lost highway and that comes to mind upon
the button note...i bring it up because it is exactly part
of the point here...i think scientologists call it an engram,
a phrase, a set of words, or even one word might in fact
trigger unimaginable effects...giving weight to burroughs's
hypothesis that language is a virus...i next ring up
why some folks need you or insist without exact logic for
you to mirror someone or something...conformity i suppose,
the status quo...i haven't mentioned it but recently have
felt that pull...yet the put down goes further back -
a control mechanism that concentrates on some flaw or
even false vision to bury self in despair or at least
doubts...which in turn makes one feel as if proof or
some substantial reaction would be needed...of course
in logic, i know that i needn't prove anything having
possibly accomplished more than i ever imagined except
for climbing the mountain of unedited manuscripts in
that suitcase which i keep waiting - as life has given no
quarter yet to settle that score...excuse my untimely
rant, now as i consider these things i think my concern
is precisely or only those voices, hmm, those eys without
faces, that further the insanity by insisting it is all
to help you or the like...yes, similar to a 1940s skit
going do you have two tens for a five...which i might
further make more ironic by underlining the missing
fifteen by which i mean aunt;s house.
february 3/4 2025
wordstar.nexus dreamnweaver note will be updated
soon...i was about to dress up the waiting page
with a few words but after watching myrna loy
and ian hunter, in 'to mary - with love', i
thought i should not rush through...there is
a scene where they, as mary and bill, are smoking
in the dark so one mostly only sees the smoke...
it was 1936, i dare say it is the greatest single
sequence involving cigarettes in the history of
cinema...john cromwell directed that - sydney
wagner was the cinematographer - mark lee kirk
was the art director - and ralph dietrich was
the editor. even in my sloppy print, it looked
post-script; i am considering put placing
the earlier dream notes and other content
here; https://wordstar.gitbook.io/inkrealm
february 5 2025
that kid from wahoo nebraska sure put out some
fine photo plays...burroughs happy birthday
viewed the 1920s as a doorway...i feel pretty
fine when the 1930s proves me right...i was
thinking of jennifer singing take me back a
minute ago - charlotte rampling we like
especially because she seems to carry that
aura from those ancient times...it has only
been a few days but trying to recall the
events feels like searching through antiquities -
there is no law i am breaking by missing a
dream, but somehow it feels criminal...
allow me to slip start by not a dream but a
glance...at a glance, there it was, the most
evil thing i have ever witnessed...a feral
cat had caught a rock dove either right there
adjacent to the back door or carried up from
the ground level - i;m on the second floor -
a feather in its mouth, the pigeon in pieces,
i didn't want to study the scene yet i do
suspect it was feeding upon the capture...
it stayed there a while as i disinfected
my side of that area and now all that is left
are the remains of the bird...my own cat
kept away from the mess yet he did display
a bit of a frenzy as if celebrating the
murder...the killing brought to mind the
black crows' remedy...i had actually heard
it the day before...a look at the lyric will
mafe the reference self-explanatory -
make...there is no math for visions...
they tell me maafe is peanut stew...
i suppose i hesitated to jot the dream that
made me pause...i was in bed with robyn,
both of us nude, touching her i praised
her skin and she was self effacing pointing
out some acne here or there to which i
responed with temporary logic, not a flaw...
she was on my right side hovering to the
left as i awoke feeling bewildered by
still sensing the actual touch and then of
course a bit baffled expecting it would
have been lotta...still it killed loneliness
like that auslander killed the bird...
skirt once caught a bird yet in such a gentle
way that it was able to fly away when i picked
it up...no other dream to really note, there
was a scene wherein a man was trying to sit
on my feet, looked like a nephew, there was
a vibe like some girl had been cheating -
awaking to the no logic frenzy...another
where someone was visiting, a stranger in
a suit...he went right into the bath - soaking
there all dressed up...it was awfully unexpected -
like an extended dream conversation which feels
as if someone is merely extracting data let us
term it a download dream...possibly why the song
don't start me talkin' i'll tell everything i know
was wroted...wiretap paranoia might expand to
unimaginable scenarios when you consider ai
is able to clone any voice...so while i did have
at least one other dream to mention, i motion
against it given the fact that i am not certain
if in fact it was a conversation or a set up -
the next feeling inertia and worry mingle and
that horrific sensation that one has been replaced
by someone else - in this case specifically i mean
folks involved with my sister...don henley plays
dirty laundry...what is it akin to, well it would
be plausible that the number of surrounding juans
is an area scheme in order to mask under the
nearby church and school...normally it would
seem only logical to be surrounded my marias...
i've met more marias in the soviet lands than
all my time here...hmm be that as it may, i
obtained a couple of india eisley films -
american outlaws...simply terrible save for
her self yet even herself was overwhelmed
by her tits...no wonder actresses are now being
cast as chairs...we are not going to speak about
my furniture...it was a true story but her
counterparts failed horribly in caricature instead
of craft...you feel the stupidity much more than
the history which is constantly floated by like
a hallucination motif...so i had little hope
for every breath you take and i was not disappointed
as it was also pretty bad although by some luck
there were no breast on show...again, the cardboard
cut out acting by her costars and the gullible nature of her character that
is to say bad writing leaves one dismissing it as
soon as it is over...maybe her beauty is a curse,
oh we can cast her alonside any old hack and if
all else fails...tits...but she's above average
and it is tragic when these sorts of contradictions
present themselves. i was then trying to see one
called adolesence but it was not available...
maybe things will be better in chicago...to my
shame i did not think of anne marie when the
faithfull news broke - more in morin...suddenly
i saw i was right, in paying attention to a
muse or to a self, i left something so cute
on some shelf to collect dust as it were...not
that there was anything i could do or wanted
to do but it underlines the previously mentioned
irony...in this case, i had only thought that
lotta could learn a thing or two in terms of her
desire to have a bakery...yet in looking closer
i realize she is the only girl i have come across
that loves tennis...blinded by the light?
i did of course think of marie anne, yet in the
end there are no words for that kind of emotion.
for someone attempting to be gentle, it might
be viewed as intrusive...for someone avoiding
irony, it might be manifested by being invoked
through words...so wishing her well from a safe
distance was where i settled...what does anything
mean? one report spawns copycat headlines yet
there is no silent option, is there? so no need
to ask why joni was caught in the devil's bargain
trying to get back to the garden...i was caught
up in an all night investment plan, by which
i mean 'coin' - a couple of days ago and i suppose
i need more time to balance into what has
become my usual schedule...anyway the system was
merely moving one token to a new address - mostly
due to the fact that one place has possible earnings
where the other didn't...these transfers are often
lightning fast yet in shuffling through what are
named seed phrases to exctract from various installed
'wallets' well it is a task...still, nice to see
new earnings nearly instantly...i don;t expect
too much from these things, the motivation is to
leave a substatial enough fortune for whatever
loved or beloved ones remain...so that they
need.nt be concerned by the economy. it's like
my stock holdings, i'm sure it will come in handy
further down the line...for them.
ten february
i had a nearly logical urge to fix up my main room
as i expect one of the new guitars to arrive in the
upcoming week or two...mission accoomplished, but
there is yet much to do in terms of uncluttered goals.
i kept thinking it was january and someone;s birthday
for some reason awaking today to see that emilee's
birthday didn't cross my mind...which might explain
that disaster dream wherein she seemed to be with
me at the liquor shop...someone had aaked for wine
and i looked in the fridge container for a bottle...
this upon the heels of literal cat nap, skirt seemed
to be fighting with the pigeon eating feral cat and
i was rushing to protect him when i noticed three
other cats transform, turned winged, and flying...
one of them turned back and looked to be stuck in the
metal of the back door...squeezing out slowly as i
awoke...an awaking to merely freak out as a wedge of
orange rested at the whirpool door...the thing was
it felt as if someone had been there and that paranoid
feeling continued to creep around me even into the
next day...no daddy or dad wanna be is allowed into
the water closet, violent dream - who are these people
that think i am like them or that they have been invited...
suddenly the apartment feels like a wrestling match...
i feel bad over slamming his head into the wall, but then
as if blending scenes i wonder if someone came in and
slammed my head into the wall...they say it's gas,
bubbles in the neck...something must have happened...
there's been talk of real estate and i have even felt
the eviction sensation although it is illogical when
one owns the property...no landlord, no worries in that
sense even if bullies want to blind the facts...then
again i must take into consideration how some folks
insanely identify with a place - buying and selling
it as if souls were involved...here you go; rent out
my cousin or aunt...haunted or mirrored, hounded in
error...perhaps that is wahy i had them chased dreams...
invasion of the body snatchers redux...anyway no goodly
dreams to report, even lotta said she had a nightmare -
oh wait, margaret i did dream - her eyes mystical -
she was dancing and it was another transformation
dream like josie trapped in the dresser from twin peaks
instead this was shiny silver metal yet i could still see
her eyes...i thought of the melted magnet liquid i used
to play with as a child...it felt childish to indulge
myself in all six thin man films yet in the final
evaluation there is no better series of films in terms
of sequels...at least not in the rom-com detective genre -
the thin man, after the thin man, another thin man,
shadow of the thin man, the thin man goes home, and
song of the thin man...i simply adored them even if the
last one made me over think and the ending was not
what i expected unless i consider that they were
putting the franchise to bed...uhm the overthinking
was about don taylor playing buddy hollis...a name
too near to buddy holly...his previous acting credit
had been 'time to kill'...a short film, preceeded by
'winged victory'...well, you see how that sort of
thing could get one's mind worked up...sure, imitation;
life and art...well, there's something ironic given
the otherwise joyful conclusions in those films...
myrna was not shy about playing the vixen, i viewed
thirteen chairs and indecent -aka, vanity fair - but
i think i mentioned that here already...i did want
to mention emptying out the bench to bum rush the
opposing team in the first quarter but they got by
without that strategy...although i am tempted to
type that the nfl was merely paying heed to public
sentiment...the real superbowl ie, detroit vs
buffalo must have been playing in the dreams of
true fans...now then, two skinny girls retro classic
slide instrumental, laudanum, will be re-released
any minute now...here's hoping your monday is moving
along happily.
11 february
dream said i was walking in a city beside
what should have been a park or garden yet
was much more of a forest...there were signs,
they indicated via insignia or logo that the
area i had wandered into was occupied by
a military force...soon enough encountered
men in uniform...i carried a backpack which
i haven't for some time...one of them sat me
down in what i think thwy call a mess hall,
a sort of dining area more like you would find
in jails or school cafeterias than actual
eating places...he insists on seeing what it
is i might have in the bag...based on the
principal of privacy i argue against the search,
although i actually have no idea what might be
in there - positively something trivial given
my response - his response was to empty out
all the contents of his pockets as if to say
he had nothing to hide so why should i...as
i am about to explain my shyness, a fidel
castro type saunters up behind me and leans
against the chair i am in sitting on - he
reprimands the soldier man and also mocks
him insinuating he is a homosexual, meanwhile
i am keeping still thinking i always wanted
to meet fidel castro, but he then grows louder
remarking that he is not a homosexual yet
runs off removing his pants to join the crowd
of soldiers that were the counterpart of the
man that wanted to rifle through my belongings
- as if to leave the statement as sarcasm or
at least a question in the air of listening minds -
in another dream i am being driven in a vehicle
to what felt like some clandestine operation,
or even a heist...there is someone next me and
we are holding hands...the way children might...
when the destination is gained the hand holding
leads me in the opposite direction promising
to be with me all the way then suddenly disappearing -
at which point i find myself climbing an entrance
gate...ala river cartwright in france - a slow horse
not knowing what is on the other side...hundreds
of crawlers swarm the ground and i worry they
will get at my ankles yet they swim past as if
intent on leaving those grounds...i see a corridor,
it is glowing and my grandmother is there yet
as i attempt to get her attention i notice she
is blind and possibly deaf...she is moving things
around with a dancer's motion, carefree, and i
move on to find the party i was with only to
find myself in an apartment - peopled by more
than i could count much less recognize - a woman
now in front me seasoning meat as if trying to
show me - to my left is lotta yet she is not
near and in conversation with someone else -
i awake remembering something about a kitten
or cat that had a jack on its side and i plugged
in a cable the way i would with an electric guitar -
i stumble out of bed concerned that someone might
be using gadgets to pass himself off as me -
a vague memory of an old galaxy android came to
mind - gary plays john cheever in the
film i am in the middle of but what keeps going
through my thoughts is how similar celeste is
to margaret and thus the question of previous
dream...could it have been foretelling this
film or was i right in thinking it was merely
replaying a variation on a film i had recently
seen many times...there is no right answer and
i settle into tuesday knowing i will not know.
one last thing, the scene after climbing sure
brought to mind the triple note by the tree
intimacy dream and pre-dream it was the very first time
i thought of anya although i had her image
put placed atop the inkrealm cloud space for
months which i switched upon the maria thought -
the weird part of it was that it was like being
cornered into a usual or habitual thought sequence
which was entirely foreign to me, i mean of course
i like and admire her yet that is not exactly
translated in thoughts which have been otherwise
engaged...later looking at her pictures i find
that parts of my thought sequence were even
accurate, i remembered from the generation p
article her friend and recognition fired up
within my looking eyes. in any case, alike the
margaret/celeste puzzle, this also has no resolution.
not that i ever mind thinking of pretty girls...
february 12
indeed, what else is there...now then to elaborate
on the "cloud" it is merely being grateful for the
inspiration i found in moscow, in saint petersburg,
in samara, in volgograd, yes russia...at the time,
history will prove the vilification of the former
soviet empore as if insanity prevailed in the press,
corporations exited, sanctions punished the innocent,
and everyone seemed to turn against that land...i
was looking at the hermitage museum at finding
shostakovich was from that city...how does one
explain that place...let us say some people awake
there thinking they are in paris france...but back
to the point, so the "cloud" was also a protest
as i feared for these girls and hoped it would
help them in some way...i got up in the wee hours
thinking about the dream i had...a girl dressed in
yellow rain coat with a matching hat looked extremely
happy to see me...i would not find it weird except
i know i can sit for hours at my desk never thinking
of anything or anyone with any joyous greeting...
in any case, it seemed she kept moving from standing
in front of me to being a picture or video streaming
on one of my cell phones, at some point i picked up
the other one to film her...i noticed i was on the
big mattress that somehow got lost...the one i had
wroted private area upon...it could be that someone
kept it instead of the story i was fed...lotta seemed
to feed on a hamburger and fries, later asking why
she was having trouble sleeping...i stumbled around
hoping she would get some rest - but i haven't been
able to think her as i did before the christmas party -
it has become a sort of flip frenzy image invitation -
wherein other girls feel as if i am leaving them out
when they have every right to ask for my attention...
in some cases, i suppose that is true, in others it
might be my own fault for looking...except in all logic
no one can keep to one thought twenty four seven...
not that it really matters to her or to them...
it is only a high strung sensation i keep trying to
tune...of course there is no correct tuning for an
instrument as delicate as the mind...i suppose most
folks would understand this in terms of faith...a
heavenly divinity and the multi-faced distractions
of sin for lack of a better word...don't get me wrong,
i am not actually worried. in fact i only got worried
while thinking of going to the bank - itself a minefield
of dress up and locking up this and that before arriving -
the worry eased upon the knowledge that i needn't hurry
over my deposit plan or anything related to that...
besides what if the expected haul arrives and i happen
to be not here - i continued watching the italian film
deciding to savour it by sections...so only halfway
through...i think i miss reading and desired to return
to the wagner book that his wife wrote out for him...
it is shocking to me to have felt such a connection
to him in reading his word story...not as shocking
was feeling cosima nearly resembled lauren sophia...
i have other books to get to yet nothing that feels
urgent...they say if you took the time to look at
each painting in the hermitage it would be eleven
years before seeing all them...i translate this notion
to books knowing it is important to decide which ones
to timeshare and perhaps especially which ones to
revisit...is wagner revisiting? did i read enough
already? well, not if i feel this way and certainly
there is a second part i left for later being convinced
that in some ways i was reading about myself...
bell jar syndrome, when else does this happen, rarely...
lotta does not like berlin and i felt a pain in my
left bicep as i settled into the scale ritual...
somehwere in the dream both arms were in pain and
i sensed i was with family members but it was all as
vague as the fog in a hazy london evening...my wristwatch
had stopped in that dream i lamented having to go out
for the battery...it was too soon, i thought...now i
think of lotta's expression, the drained social battery -
dsb is both a railway company and elsewhere a bank...
in reaction to being uncertain over which path to take,
i prepared and re-released "exile's letter" - thinking
in the future i will doulbe up on the releases and make
them a set of two so as to sort of match the name of
the band...two skinny girls - a two song album...well,
i;ve had worse ideas...whatever, the wristwatch was in
fact all right and my arms lost that bizarre sensation -
i should type that i feel the dsb even before getting
done with plans to go banking, shopping...excuse me
i think i want to listen to a bit of nick lowe.
13 february
i needn;t explain this or that yet on the off chance
that somewhere clarity is required, well it's like
i'm speaking to myself here - there is a thing that
you will not be able to recollect ffrom the fleeting
images of dreams, from the overly populated imagination
later et cetera and sometimes in the act of the jot
i don;t pay heed to the form or even rush in typing
so that for example i might miss telling how the
resemblance is only an outline since each lady has
her own distinct beauty...
i later dreamt of arriving at a sort of crossroads,
it was a much broader avenue than i have ever been
on but from my question it would seem to have been
manhattan, which way is sixth avenue and having
learnt the path from some stranger bystander i
turned to gain ground on fifth avenue...please note
in my experience there are parts divided by a park -
can't recall if sixth is literally the continuation
of central park west...no matter, getting there
i find a woman walking two lap dogs...i had reluctantly
started to like dogs since seeing asta who i believe
was played by both the daddy dog and his puppy son -
terribly cute...they are friendly and don't seem to mind
me then at the doorstep she is asking me if i am free
on satruday when suddenly a karla surrounded by a group
of girls appears behind a gate alike the tony roberts
obituary picture which held woody and the holy diane
well karla eases into my side, i think i notice a
belly piercing but i am more concernd that she is
drunk and about to slide onto the ground as if melting -
saying you can't date her i want you with me on saturday -
i do not know what to say...i get up and now thinking of
ian hunter's central park and west along with the grateful
dead's one more saturday night even if the song that
held my attention most recenlty was a jockey full of bourbon
by tom waits...i suppose the music comes to mind after finding
a certain scale which is said to incorporate five scales
in one but more interesting to me was the added notes
which line up all the notes in any key as well as the chords -
that is to say pretty useful for improvisation and writing
if one were to keep strictly to the notes or chrods in the
scale...it was happenstance, someone named andrew clark,
so i decided to learn that, it's like a big blues and
eight note box with two notes on top of wherever one
decides to play it so key of E starts at the tenth fret
and so on...weird the things one misses but yeah that is
the only tip that made any practical sense other than
the very pleasant stitchmethod guitar guy that has
a masters degree in jerry garcia...usually there;s a
lot of crowded words with little meaning so i felt it
right to mention them...of course to really learn i
would only recommend watching what john 5 does...yeah
it's heavy but unlike metalheads he does not shy away
from slowing down once in a while...in my excitement
i brought in the dominant pentatonic to the roster of
daily ritual...i don't know it yet but i that was how
spent most my day...thinking well i will prolly not
need so many scales but going for it with the logic
that to continue in this fashion makes sense as every
time i have missed a day or two i always notice the
truth in what jerry said...it's like a bridge, a place
to gather one's self...at this juncture my only real
issue is the argument of speed...but i feel speedy
enough when it comes down to it and i know i don't
want to impose a playing style upon myself that
in the end could only be useful for a few songs...
in that sense, perhaps it is why i only know the
outline of some solos without seeking to replicate
them...a cover band is not in my to do list...there's
something about substance over flash i suppose...but
i've most likely said too much on the topic -
i hesitate now as i struggle with the italian in the
film i am viewing...as if saying i understood that
other movie voided my roman ear...i woke up near to
hunger...ordering, reluctantly, chinese food, justifying
the cost by thinking the leftovers will balance it out...
i went to sleep again after another round of scales and
nearly only thought about lotta...yet it is still some
sort of frenzy in my vision...reflected in my dream
running around in what must have been an airport shop,
strange word duty free i don't like it although not
as irritating as diatonic...i don't know why...uhm
yeah i remember trying to decide between a mint
listerine and a regular one...all the while packing, all
the while worried that the plane was leaving without
me - when two suits settled in taking a eyeful of
my old tamrac camera case...they sat next eachother
on high stools...i was explaining how i could not
explain how the dust gathers inside a window shut
room and how they might want to remove some of the
messy particles before going further...they looked
like they were from some federal agency...as if one
had been cloned to get a perfect partner...who could
argue with himself...i turned away to continue packing
and to check on the departure then awoke - someone
i had not met had actually taken something from that
dusty container about the time the gas line next to
the stove was punctured...here's the problem with
being raised catholic...even in dreams one might be
polite or even nice to people that deserve the stark
opposite...it was too early to make sense of it all...
not that i wanted or wished to...there was a late
notification that made it seem as if lotta had just posted
but at three in the morning...studying the matter i saw
it had been from eight thirty. someone on social media
detailed the process of vision with an emphasis on how
much we miss from the broad field which is reduced and
translated in the mind which returns it to be seen perhaps
understood...that might be the situation with any given
guitar scale...the connections, to me feel endless, that
is the potential sequence cannot be seen entirely since
selecting one run leaves all the other races still in
place...we see a series of notes yet there are unlimited
options. in any case exciting or exasperating depending
on one's point view. one might venture to say jerry's
continual search for new methods was merely limiting
the exasperation. hopefully that is true for myself
as well, ah look valentine's day coming in soon...
union station kansas city missouri mass shooting
parade anniversary no i didn;t know it was a dj
that had been killed...much less by a man sharing
the name of my favorite rock and roll spinner...